Chapter 34: Straying Away...

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Moving Along Chapter 34: Straying Away...


"HIS COURAGE ALONE IS ENOUGH TO SAVE US!!!!" Amelia awoke to the sound of someone roaring out. Her eyes flittered open as she tried to focus them. No good, they only felt heavier the more she tried to open them. Funny, she didn't remember falling asleep. Last she remembered, the dragon named Erick had taken her into his care and-...the rest was a dark blur much like her vision at the moment. Not even the tips of her fingers would budge when she tried to move. Her ears twitched though, when she heard the someone again.

"Atticus left quite the impression on that smug mug of yours-" there was a loud smacking sound that silenced the speaker. A resounding thud could be heard shortly thereafter, which sounded like a bag of bricks dropping to the floor. Before Amelia could figure out what was going on, darkness took her again.


"Amy??" She heard her nickname being called. Very few Furs called her that. "Amy are you still with me??"

Amelia rubbed the sleep out of her eyes then finally managed to open them. "Falling asleep already?" A light brown wolf with soft grey eyes tilted his head. He had on blue jeans that were rolled up to his knees and a black t-shirt. There were several different colored blocks in his hand that he was actively piecing together. "Can't be the only one working on the space ship, can I?" He set down the blocks to ruffle her head fur with a big smile on his muzzle. She couldn't help but let out a small giggle.

"Yeah, you're right, sorry big brother," she picked up a few blocks of her own and started to build her half of the ship. Why she'd decided to sleep when the best spaceship in the world needed to be built, was beyond her. Something did nag at the back of her head though, something important. What was it? "Amy, can you pass me that one there?" Her older brother gestured to a small three pronged red block. She nodded, picking it up and tossing it over to him, which he readily caught in his paw.

"Annnnnnd that'll do it!" He pushed the last little piece in its proper place and wagged his tail. "Alright sis, I've finished my half! How are you on your end?"

The she leopard kitten looked down at what she had so far. Judging by the scattered pieces around her and her haphazardly put together block clump, it'd be a little bit before the greatest spaceship in the world would be operational at this rate. Seeing this the brown wolf scooted over her with a warm smile on his face, "here, I'll tell you which pieces fit together, sound fair?" When she nodded in agreement, he collected all the stray pieces then held up his palm so it'd be easier for her to pick them out. "Alright, you'll need that four pronged blue one right there." Amelia nodded again and placed the block in its proper place, then went onto the next one.

In no time at all, her half of the greatest spaceship ever was completed, "thanks big bro!!" Amelia's own tail swayed in excitement. She couldn't help but grin ear to ear as she handed her older brother her half. Doing stuff with him was always fun, especially when her mom and dad were too busy to play with her. They'd always been too busy to play with her.

"Hey, sis?" Her older brother held out her half of the ship to her. "Do you want to finish it together??"

With a quick nod she took the half back. He held his half up to eye level and she mirrored his movements. "Ok, on the count of three," he held up his fingers. "One...two...three!" They both pressed the the halves together, clicking them into place.

"Hurray!!" Amelia jumped to her feet. "We finished the greatest spaceship in the world!!"

"Mmm more like the universe," the older brother stood up as well then set the ship down on his bedside table with all of his other ships made out of blocks. His entire room might as well have been a hanger bay what with all the different ships he'd constructed. He was the charming young pilot, of course. "I think it's the coolest one in my collection. Wanna know why?"

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