Chapter 19: The Forgotten Wolf

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Chapter 19: The Forgotten Wolf

A/N: Happy 10k reads, guys!!


~three weeks earlier~

Screaming. That's all he'd heard before the darkness took him. Someone screaming for him not to go. Who though? Why had they screamed? The image of a small wolf's terrified expression was clear in his mind. Pain pulsing through his chest while blood pooled on the floor beneath him. A gentle kiss on his forehead before something encased him. Now there was only darkness.

"Gene modification, complete," a voice said. "Healing process, complete. Vitals stable. Releasing patient from hibernation."

Underneath him, he felt something shift and move him forward. Warm dim light touched his dormant form, though he didn't react. There was another shifting sound, followed by a loud *kerchlunk.* Liquid that he hadn't realized he was surrounded by began to drain from where he was contained. Once it had all emptied out, another clank sounded, and the encasing popped itself open. Cool air brushed against his damp fur, causing him to shiver. He opened his eyes to the basement lighting shining down on him.

"What-" was all he mumbled in his daze.

"Agent WhiteFang!!!" A voice transmission from an earpiece sounded off in the basement. It was laying discarded on the floor as though it had been recently left behind. "Agent WhiteFang, do you copy, over?!" The voice sounded hurried and frantic like there was an immediate danger around it. "Answer the damn line!"

The ears of a black wolf twitched in annoyance of this abrupt wake up call. Said wolf was still recovering from the procedure he didn't know he'd undergone. "ZIRO, YOU ANSWER THIS TRANSMISSION NOW!" Suddenly the wolf's grey eyes blinked into focus and he shot up. After looking around his jarring surroundings, he eyed his discarded earpiece communicator on the ground by the stairwell. He rubbed a paw over his eye and attempted to stand, only to fall out of the pod entirely. He shifted onto his knees and crawled toward the earpiece, picking it up and placing it back in his left ear.

"This is Agent Ziro WhiteFang reporting," he murmured. First thing that came to mind was how thirsty he was.

"Ziro, it's Blizz!! We've been trying to contact you for a week!" The husky known as Blizz sounded out of breath. "Where've you been?! You went dark after the invasion started!"

"Invasion? What invasion? What's happened???" Ziro demanded, the drowsiness of hibernation being replaced by adrenaline.

"No time to explain. Please tell us you have the asset secured in a safe environment," Blizz was in quite the hurry. "Is Atticus still under your watch?"

"Please stand by," the black wolf made his way up the basement stairs. Everything in him felt stiff, but his desire to find the smaller wolf was more pressing. He had a horrible feeling in the pit of chest. A burning sort of sensation. He had no idea what to expect, but the word "invasion" had stayed in his head. An invasion of what? FurCity was generally well protected. Whatever could've gotten through wasn't to be taken lightly.

When he got to the basement door, he leaned against it and slowly pushed it open quietly. If there was anything on the other side that was a potential threat, he'd have to be as quiet as possible to get the jump. He brushed his black head fur out of the way so he could see better before opening the door entirely. Ziro walked into the living room, which looked relatively untouched save for a few dusty foot-paw prints that he recognized as Atticus's.

They seemed to come from the kitchen, so the wolf walked over to it. When he entered the room, his eyes widened. One of the kitchen walls was blasted apart with rubble all over the floor. Ziro ran towards the hole and nearly howled out in despair. The sky was stained blood red with no sunlight to be seen. The buildings that once defined FurCity were reduced to shambles and ruins. Furs that lived their day to day lives were...he couldn't bear to look at it. Ziro looked away.

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