Chapter 29.5: Episode Roxy Part 3: Snap

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A/N: Toy Story has been announced for Kingdom Hearts 3 and I couldn't be happier! Be sure to read the author's note at the very end! There's some very important information to discuss!

Oh and in terms of music, I'd read this chapter with "Ventus's theme" playing in the background. No real need to, but I like having music on when I read. :3 enjoy.

Extra Episode Part 3: Snap

He wasn't always calm and mild mannered. Some days were worse than others. One day in particular never left me. Even now, as I await my unknown fate, I remember that day like it was yesterday. The moment he just...lost it.

It was an average day, like any other, and I was packing my stuff up at the end of class when he approached me. "Hey Roxy," Atticus mumbled to me quietly. We'd been friends long enough for me to understand his usual small tone when he was nervous about something.

"Yes?" I pulled my bag onto my shoulders and gave him a reassuring smile. He needed that.

"I umm, well I was-" He fumbled with his words a little more than usual. "Y-you uhm, maybe wanna erm..go get ice cream t-together? I'm buying if you want. You can say no, I'd understand." There was a puppy dog look in his nervous gaze. I tried not to giggle since I knew that'd blast what little confidence he'd brought with him today into little pieces.

"Of course we can," I accepted his invite. His face instantly lit up. It was like giving a puppy a brand new bone. Again, I fought the urge to chuckle and led the way out of home room class. We didn't say much in the halls, he didn't like drawing any sort of attention to himself, and luckily the usual trouble makers weren't around. Didn't need Neil ruining today.

Once we were outside, I decided to break the silence, "beautiful day." I thought it was anyway. The sun wasn't too hot that day and a cool breeze was blowing through our hair.

Atticus mumbled, "I prefer overcast, but you're right." A small smile spread across his face. "Today definitely puts the past few ones to shame."

More silence after that. I was more or less used to that with him. He only ever talked whenever he felt it was necessary. To me, that just made anything he said more significant and worth something. ".....hey, Roxy?" Atticus spoke up this time, much to my surprise.

"Yes?" I turned my head to look at him. He instantly diverted his gaze from me.

"Umm, well..I was just wondering, what do you want to do after high school?" He hesitantly looked back into my eyes. "What are your plans, I mean?"

I was taken aback by this, "why do you ask?"

For a few paces, he didn't answer and then replied, "everyone seems to have an idea of what they want to do and, I dunno, my plans feel kind of lame." He looked crestfallen as he said this. To be honest, I'd barely thought about this. I had a few ideas, though in the heat of high school, I kind of forgot about what I'd do after it.

"Well, what are your plans?" I asked with a goofy grin on my face. "Seems a bit unfair for you to ask me without revealing yours first!" Almost instantly, he started to list all the things he wanted to do in such quick succession it kind of came out like, "well I- stories- gonna need to work hard and- wolves, what do you think?"

I giggled, "I think you should maybe talk a little slower and speak a little more clearly for us slow listeners."

"Sorry," Atticus scratched the back of his head. "Umm well, I want to be a writer of wolves."

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