Chapter 12: Inhibitions part 1

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Moving Along Chapter 12: Inhibitions part 1

Well, this wasn't the first time I'd felt like I was going to shit myself. I would name the last few times I felt like that, but then I'd have to start this story over. Gotta say, I didn't like the sound of a "Lizard King," let alone the fact that he had Roxy. Oh my god, he had Roxy.

"What have you done with her?!" I could feel my anger overcoming my fear. "What have you done with Roxy?! Tell me!"

All I heard was laughter. Not normal laughter from a mocking sneer, but the kind that chills your spine. Cold and merciless. Fear crept into my very soul at the terrible sound I could swear I recognized. It must've affected my dream state too, since the school started to darken and crumble away slowly.

"I feel your fears, human in wolf pelt," Zuboi hissed in my ear, making me whimper to myself. "And they truly are bone chilling. Most furs worry about whether their crush will call, or if they have enough money to pay the bills. You, however, dream of your accident with your beloved mother and father. Or losing your boyfriend. But neither of those fears come close to what you fear now. Losing your precious Roxy."

"SHUT UP!!!" I cried out in helpless desperation. There was nothing I could do. Somehow he knew everything about me. Even about Roxy and my parents. If he hurt her I..."Just give her back! Now!!"

More cackling commenced, "Oh, this is rich. You're giving me ORDERS?!?!? I have your friend in my grasp!" His fury made the crumbling surroundings quake. "Because of that little outburst I'll have to punish you. Or rather, your little friend."

I didn't know what he was going to do, but then I heard Roxy again. She was breathing heavily.

"Atticus?" She called out to me, clearly in tears by now. "Please save me....they're going to-"

"-teach her a lesson because of you," The lizard king interjected. "Now then. Come closer, my dear."

Then I heard him whisper the order "break her legs." My heart stopped. "Don't you dare!!" I yelled out. "Leave her alone!" Not long after I said that did I hear two loud cracking sounds followed by Roxy's pained screams. It rang through my ears so loud that I screamed with her. Tears rolled down my muzzle as I heard her suffering. Zuboi's crazed laughter echoed even louder than the screaming.

"Come to the place where the sun never shines and the night is eternal," He got serious again while I clawed the ground in anguish. "When you get there, you will surrender to me. If you refuse, she dies! Fight your way to me with the best of your abilities. I will not make it easy for you. And if you fail to impress me, or die trying, she dies!! Goodbye for now...and tell Kurai I said hi." He chuckled to himself.

Without another word, I couldn't hear Roxy anymore. I laid on the ground haunted by what just happened. It wasn't until I felt a paw on my shoulder that I finally moved. When I turned my head to see who it was, Kurai himself was giving me a sad smile.

"I'm sorry kid," was all he said.

Anger surged through me at these words. Was he serious? My friend just got her legs broken at the hands of a crazed lizard and all he had for me was "sorry?" Before I said anything, he ruffled my head fur. For some reason, it temporarily settled me down.

"Wait a moment for me to explain," he sighed before looking me in the eyes. "Zuboi is a very dangerous lizard. Not only is he the king of them, but he's also the reason humans have been extinct for over a thousand years in this world."

I gaped at the larger brown wolf. Was he serious? Zuboi had been around that long? If so, then why didn't anyone tell me the cause for human extinction was controlling a lizard army? So many questions in my head, but one stood out to me more.

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