Chapter 28: Going Down

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Moving Along Chapter 28: Going Down

So there I was, plummeting to the ground below. I wouldn't have cared so much if Amelia wasn't in my bag. Perhaps there was a chance I'd survive, but, it wasn't going to end like this. I wouldn't let it. Not when I had someone I needed to protect. Someone that just couldn't die now. Zuboi had already taken too much. 'There's no other options, I've got to use it.' Going savage wouldn't be too bad if only for a moment. What would be the harm in that? What was the worst that could happen? '....potentially losing it and killing Amelia in the process,' I reasoned in no time flat. That was too much of a gamble to try, even now. Had to think of something else.

"I hope you've got a plan!!!!" She screamed.

"Again, working on it!!" My eyes darted all around the singular broken car I was falling in for anything I could use. Nothing except for the small opening in one of the passenger windows. I could possibly slip through it. But then what? All that would change is me, the open air, and how I'd hit the ground. Then again..

"Hold on!!!!" I yelled out at the top of my lungs as I grabbed the hinge of the only window that wasn't already completely smashed and pulled myself through it (so much window climbing today). Harsh wind bombarded my muzzle, though I still managed to stay focused and keep a grip on the train. If I let go of it now, then it'd be a one way ticket to the concrete. Knowing I didn't have much time at all, seconds even, I looked down below at the fast approaching ground for something. "Right there.." I fixed my gaze on the roof of a tall building. Maybe, if I timed it right, I could land on it while also possibly smashing both my legs. Amelia would be safe at least. There'd be no second chances to get this again if I failed. Otherwise- no I'd do this.

"Amelia, I'm gonna jump on three!" I yelled out to her. 'Oh dear lord, this plan is absolute shit!!!' I kept that thought to myself. Amelia barely had faith in me enough as it was. "One...two.." My legs instantly started to stiffen up at the thought of jumping. Almost like a cement casing had been secured around them.

"Atticus, don't you-" Amelia began, but didn't get to finish. I jumped without reaching three for fear of wavering at the last second. "ATTICUS!!!!!" The small leopard screamed as loud as her lungs would allow her. The building below me was fast approaching and I was hoping to God that I pushed off of the train hard enough to reach. A horrid feeling passed through me when I realized we weren't going to make it. There was far too much distance for us to cover.

Time seemed to slow down to a crawl again. All I could feel was my heart practically bursting from my chest. Failure was not an option anymore. Not now. Not ever again. Completely on instinct, I summoned one scimitar and plunged it into the building as I passed it. Sparks went everywhere while the blade slowed my decent by digging deep into the concrete building before me. Just as it felt like I'd saved us though, my paw gave out and released the blade.

"Shit!!!" I cursed my failure and squeezed my eyes shut. Was that really the best I had?? There was no time to mope over that. I braced myself for the inevitable impact, however, it didn't come. In fact, it kind of felt like I was floating. Was my death that quick?

"You sure have the worst luck when I'm not around, pup!" My eyes snapped open at the sound of an unmistakably cocky voice. Looking down at me with a big grin on his snout was Erick himself. His claws were grasped firmly around my shoulders as he ascended.

"W-what- how did you, Erick, it's you!!!!" I wagged my tail happily and grinned ear to ear. Suddenly, the imminent danger around me became nonexistent. All I felt was happiness and joy over seeing my friend again.

"Well, who else could it be?" He winked at me, "or do you have any other devilishly handsome friends that can fly that I don't know about?" I chuckled as he pretended to look around for said friends. "Nah, can't see any around. Guess you're stuck with me."

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