Chapter 2: New World

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Moving Along Chapter 2: New World

A/N: Hey everyone, how's it going? Before we start, I have a question for all of you. Have you ever been bullied? If yes, tell me your experience. Anyway, let's get on with it.

PS: Here's a music video from the lovely Nviek 5 on YouTube. X3

I felt a warm light shining against my shut eyes and knew it must be morning. Before I opened them, I shifted in my bed a little, doing a small stretch. Odd, I could have sworn I fell asleep in my underwear? Why did I feel warmer? It was like I had a fur coat on. I opened my eyes, but shut them pretty quick because of the blinding sun's rays. I held my hand over my face to block the sun before I opened my eyes again.

When I opened them, they still held a blurriness that I had to blink away several times. Once my vision cleared, I gasped. In front of me I could see an arm covered with light brown fur. It took me a second to realize it was mine, but when I did my heart skipped a beat.

I glanced around the place I'd awakened and knew this wasn't my room. Not a single one of my posters was on the barren blue walls.

I looked at my other arm and, sure enough, it had light brown fur on it too. I looked at the palms of my hands only to see what looked like wolf paw pads. I was about to freak out when someone walked in. Turning my attention to the doorway, I saw a tall black wolf with grey eyes. It stood on its hind legs and was wearing jeans with a towel around its neck like it was halfway done getting dressed. Even with its thick fur, I could tell it had a well defined build.

"Oh you're awake," It sounded like a male. The sight of its muzzle opening and shutting with each word was unsettling. "How are you feeling?"

I just sat there speechless. Where was I? And why did it have talking animals like All Dogs go to Heaven??

"Um... Ok..." I managed through a haze of mounting anxiety and confusion. "Who are you?"

"Oh sorry! My name is Ziro WhiteFang." He replied with a smile, his tail, yes his tail, swayed behind him. "It's nice to meet ya!"

"That's not what I meant," I shook my head, finally gathering up the rest of my sanity. "Since when do wolves talk?"

He looked at me with a very puzzled expression, his tail freezing mid wag.

"Did you hit your head or something?" He said after a moment of silence. "All wolves talk. Even you."

That did it. I jumped out of bed and walked past him without a word. I didn't know where I was, but I was determined to find a mirror. I could feel the black wolf watching me as I opened door after door until I finally found the bathroom and dashed in.

I looked into the mirror and what I saw reflected in it almost made me pass out on the spot. Staring back at me in the mirror was a light brown wolf with dark blue eyes. One of the eyes was purple from what had definitely been a right hook. I instinctively raised my arm up to touch my slightly swollen eye and saw the wolf in the mirror do the same. I felt something behind me and turned to see a bushy brown tail. Horror rose in my gut and the tail with it.

"This isn't happening," I told myself, shaking my head as the wolf in the mirror did the same. "This can't be happening! No!"

I started breathing really fast. I held my face, but felt only a long muzzle. I screamed out and covered my eyes with my paws. This wasn't happening it just wasn't! My fingertips dug into the side of my head in a vain attempt to pull off what had to be a mask on my face. All that accomplished was some fur being tugged out. Tears started to well up in my eyes. Suddenly, I felt myself being pulled into someone's arms. My face went into something very warm and fuzzy.

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