New Book out!

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A/N: After Chapter 16

That's A Wrap is now out everyone but you can still read this chapter hinting to it. I hope you all enjoy it and it is currently in my works! Consider it an early Christmas present since Christmas Eve is my birthday and I wanted to give something to you guys to celebrate. I love you all cheers.

Another Side Another Story

[A Story retold in a world we know

A world that we've only been to in our wildest dreams

It waits just around the corner

Yet very far from our reach

The walls that separate it from the world we know are falling

Prepare yourself for when that day comes]

"Uhhhh what're you doing?" A red husky walks into the frame.

Me? I'm setting the stage for what's coming.

"Ok...why are you sounding all mysterious about it?" He asks with a suspicious look.

Well...I dunno..dramatic effect?

"Who even are you? Who let you in the studio?" The husky crosses his arms.

I'm the narrator....I'm supposed to be here.....

"Ruslan there's a weird guy on the set!" The husky turns and shouts at someone out of the frame.

"Again? This joker never learns..." A big black dragon walks into the frame and heads right towards me.

Wait no! Get back! Put me down! Noooooo!!!!

"What a weirdo." The husky says while Ruslan takes me away. His attention is then drawn to you guys. "Oh hey! Sorry about all that. We're not usually this strict on the set I promise! Just for that guy. He can't take a hint...anyway I can't wait to see you! I hear you guys love my work so I can't wait to officially spend time with you and-"

"Danny quit spoiling!" A female white wolf scolds. "They'll find out when they're ready!"

"Oh alright fine!" Danny pouts and waves goodbye. "I'll see you guys very soon!"

The red husky walks out of the frame and the screen goes dark.

A/N: Yes I destroyed the fourth wall. XD Be prepared for what is to come. The video here belongs to Nviek5 and I wish I knew where I got the husky pic from. I'll probably find it and link them to you. In an updated chapter.

What do you think is coming? Leave a comment below let me know. I'm curious as to how clever you guys are at this stuff. Take care! Archer Out!

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