Chapter 24: We're not out of the woods yet..

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Moving Along Chapter 24: We're not out of the woods yet..

I woke up to find my fur was chocolate brown again. Thank goodness. Red was not my color. Explaining to Ziro why I'd undergone a fur pattern change wouldn't be great either. Man, I'd have so much to tell him the next time I saw him. More than anything, I hoped he was alright. Given the state of things, I had a constant pit of worry about him. Perhaps my fear was misplaced, though. He was an FIA agent and, from what I'd seen from Sirine and Erick, they were pretty powerful. He'd have long woken up by now and was presumably, hopefully, figuring out a way to take down the LOS just as I was.

I looked around me to see I was still at the center of the collapsed homes that had practically crushed me. Broken furniture and personal belongs were scattered all over. Almost like a tornado had flown through here. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. My sore back was still healing from it all.

There was something cold pressed gently to my fur. I looked down to see something silver glimmering on my chest. "How could I forget?" My paw gingerly cupped the silver object. It was the wolf charm I'd received before the start of all this. Not sure how I hadn't lost it by now. Nevertheless, it still warmed my heart at the memory that someone took the time to get something like this for me. Even if it was connected to what got me here in the first place.

'She did contribute a lot to my being here,' I thought to myself. Without her thoughtfulness, I wouldn't have ever made it to the fur realm. Did that make her responsible? Maybe partially, but I still technically wished to be here. Didn't matter that I didn't know what was going to happen. I still wanted a life outside of my own. So fate granted my wish. Or was it something more sinister?

"You do a lot of thinking," I perked my ears a fraction and turned my head to the sight of a small snow leopard staring up at me. Amelia was one hell of a trooper to be up so fast after all we'd just been through. Come to think of it, how long had the both of us been out?

"Yeah, I suppose I do," I chuckled sheepishly, "but that's because there's a lot to think about, you know?"

She nodded in agreement, "yeah. Angel, who are you really?"

"What do you mean?" I tilted my head at the question. "I'm the same fur I've always been. Just trying to find some friends. Much like how you want to find your parents," I reasoned. The leopard visibly thought it over for a little while. I didn't blame her for having a lot of questions in light of all this. To be honest, I was surprised we even survived.

"I have two questions, then." Amelia stared deep into my eyes before she asked, "how did I summon that weapon, and what made you all red and scary? You said you weren't a bad guy..."

She really didn't beat around the bush with these questions, did she? I supposed it wasn't too unreasonable to answer her. "Let's see, have you heard of a soul weapon?" I decided to answer her first question.

She thought about it before saying, "yeah, a lot of the guards can use them, but besides them, most of us never use them. They're hard to awaken."

"That's right, though, I think your interactions with me helped you summon yours somehow," I explained, then summoned one of my scimitars to show her. "I can use a soul weapon, so maybe it happened when you grabbed my paw." There was no easy way to explain all this. Even more so with the fact that I hardly knew what was going on myself, "then there's the arm cannon your weapon changed into. Somehow, I can temporarily enhance someone's weapon by touching them. It happened with me and a friend of mine a little before we got separated." I thought back to when Erick and I used Final Zuriel Cannon.

"I suppose that makes sense," Amelia still looked confused. This was a lot to take in I was sure. I took that time to put away my weapon. "So my other question. What happened to you?"

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