Chapter 7: The Dark Door

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Moving Along Chapter 7: The Dark Door


I stood in the rain alone with a single small black umbrella. It didn't shield me from the wind blasting downpour that soaked my tux to the bone. The water was cold on my pale skin. It felt freezing, but not because of the cold, wet day. I looked at my parents' grave with a mixture of sadness, anger, and acceptance. The few people who came to give their condolences were no help at all.

Sure, their words were kind and gentle, but none of them had the capacity to make me feel what my parents had. Even though we'd had our differences, they were there every step of the way. Now that they were gone, the world was much colder and far more disgusting. I could feel their absence every day. Bit by bit, it took something from me I'd never recover.

"Excuse me..." A voice behind me said. "You are Atticus Simons, correct?"

I turned my head slowly to see a guy without an umbrella. The man was tall and lean, and had a gaunt look on his face. He looked white paint pale with long messy grey hair. His clothes looked like he'd been rolling in bed with them on. Based on the smell of his breath, which extended to a horrible two feet, he probably had. This man hadn't been sober in some time.

"Yes I am," I answered in annoyance. "What is it that you want? I'm in the middle of something."

The man scratched the back of his head. He looked like he needed to say something desperately. It was very apparent that he was still half drunk at this point. I was getting agitated at waiting for what this annoying man had to say. Was it not enough to have to stand at the resting place of your parents in the rain?! My face must have changed, because the man flinched.

"I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for your loss and....." The man took a deep breath. "I was- I was there that day. It was me in the car that ran your family off the road." Guilt and shame hung over him like a cloak, "I'm so so sorry!!"

My blood ran ice cold. What had he just said? Flashes of the accident ran through my mind. Rolling down the hill, getting glass in my body, and finally, both my parents dead on impact. All this pain, all this grief....and it all pointed to him...I did the only rational thing that came to mind.

"I'LL KILL YOU!!" I lunged at him and started swinging. I punched him repeatedly in the face while he cowered in fear. My punches never wavered, they kept going until my fists were covered in watery blood from the constant rainfall. The man had a broken nose and two missing teeth. I grabbed his shirt, then pulled him towards me, so that we were face to face. "WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY FOR YOURSELF??" I raised my fist to continue pummeling him. Something bright burned in my eyes and I felt strength like no other pulsing through my veins.

"WAIT, DON'T!!!" He coughed up blood onto himself. "Please don't do this, Atticus... -Atticus wake up! ATTICUS!!!"


I woke up screaming again with tears rushing down my muzzle. My chest burned like it was on a hot iron again. Before I could struggle, I felt firm arms gripping me in a hug. I fought them, but was overpowered. When I realized where I was, I relaxed. Ziro was licking the top of my head, trying to calm me down. It was working, but I let him keep going just because it felt nice.

"What's the matter buddy?" He soothed. "Another bad dream?"

I nodded slowly and rubbed my eyes dry with my arm. He must have understood quickly that it had to be about my mom and dad because he started to stroke the top of my head. My breathing slowed to a moderate pace while my tail wagged under the covers. He kissed me, causing my senses to tingle. Damn, this man knew how to relax me.

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