Chapter 9: Gifts

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Moving Along Chapter 9: Gifts

What was I doing?! I didn't know how to fight! Deep down, Kurai was telling me to go forward. He gave me the confidence to keep going even though I didn't want to. For some reason, I had to confront them. I just had to!

Maybe I was crazy and I guess that was ok. I think we're all a little crazy. Especially when you're thrusted into a completely different world. All that'd happened to me felt like it was coming to a head. Almost like this chain of events was meant to be. All of this was too perfect. My parents dying, the book, and Kurai. These events happened one after the other in the strangest circumstances.

There had to be a reason for all this. Magic books didn't just fall out of the sky. You'd hear about it more...well I guess not if they take you to another world. Then there's no one to complain about it.

As I ran through the corridors, I could hear Ziro struggling to keep up. How fast was I moving? No time to figure that out. After a while, the long hall opened up to a big facility. It had tons of stairs and columns along with various pathways above. Much like a giant maze. I gasped when I saw about thirty Lizards with various weapons fighting, and winning, against about a dozen furs. The furs wore battle gear fit for agents. Clothed in muscle shirts with thick bullet proof vests. The black camo pants and combat boots had a tiger emblem on them.

I don't know if it was the lizards, or the fighting, but I just froze. My legs locked into place. I felt my heart quickening and all the brave words I said suddenly had no value. I couldn't hear anything as I saw the lizards cut down the FIA's men one by one in quick succession. All I could do was watch in horror. One went down, then two, then six, the last three were surrounded and managed to take down five lizards before being sliced in half by one particularly large one with a scythe.

I must have fallen backwards because I was scooting back as their attention turned to me. My blood ran cold when I heard only two words, "kill him." It was then that I turned and tried to run. I was a fool, what did I think I was gonna do with no weapon? I stopped when I saw two lizards block the pathway back to the corridor. Where was Ziro? I thought he was behind me? Had they killed him? Was I now alone? My chest felt as if it would burst open with fear.

'Atticus, focus!!!' Kurai's voice rang in my skull. 'Take these guys out, now!!'

'But how?!' My thoughts screamed back as I was slowly surrounded. Kurai had no idea what he was saying. I had no means of fighting back whatsoever. 'I don't have anything to use! There's nothing I can do at all!!'

'You have the power, just use it!' He commanded me. Much easier said than done. He was only partially behind the wheel of my mind, so of course he'd say that. Most of my actions were my own, but we thought as one. For the most part at least. 'Fight right now!'

"Too late!" I shouted as they rushed me all at once. I closed my eyes, ready for what was coming. Instead of feeling pain, however, I heard a few clanging noises along with a few yelps. When I opened my eyes, I gasped. In my paws were two silver scimitars. The swords had black leather grips and odd glyphs etched on the blades.

They were dripping in the green blood of the lizards. About ten of them lay dead while the remaining fifteen of them looked on in fear. "What is this power?"

'It's our soul weapon,' Kurai explained. 'With my help, it unlocked inside you when your soul fused with mine. You're a lucky pup, your soul was strong enough to house not just one soul weapon but, two. Now you have the power you've sought. Keep that light burning strong and we might make it through this.'

'Always a beacon of light and positivity I see. We'll make it through this, no problem,' I smirked with a new found courage. 'Packing up these overgrown iguanas isn't even at the top of our list!'

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