Chapter 1: Will it ever get better?

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A/N: Hey people! Archer at your service! I wanted to make a fur story about a boy coping with a new/old life. I know I said I wouldn't be updating my stories until November, but I just had to get this one out. So here it is!

Moving Along Chapter 1: Will it ever get better?

Most of you know me as the loser, the overachiever, or the guy with no social life. I can't really blame you all for thinking that. Social media has told us that vine stars, youtubers, actors/singers, and funny animal videos are far more interesting than some journaling dork bored out of his skin. That's more or less true considering my only accolade on this earth is the perfect attendance award.

That's not so bad, I guess. The Dean gave me a certificate for a free scoop of ice cream during lunch and it even got me a quarter page in the year book. Sure, it was next to the student who won class clown and sure, they wore a shirt that read, "I'm with stupid," but hey, it's my claim to fame regardless. If I had a nickle for every time I was made the butt of the joke, then I'd have enough for another school ice cream.

At the very least, my grades certainly reflected my social standing. Having a friend count of one made for plenty of time to finish my homework and bury myself in my studies just to have something to do. Did you know that mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell? Ok, ok, overplayed joke, I apologize. Speaking of class, though-

"Atticus Simons, stop doodling and pay attention!" A booming voice broke my thoughts.

I looked up and brushed my light brown hair away from my dark blue eyes to see a very angry man glaring at me. He was a stocky man built like a stone wall with a handlebar mustache and a shining dome to match. Wasn't odd for him to be mistaken for a mustached Humpty Dumpty.

"Sorry Mr. Boxem, I was just doing some of the journaling assignment to get the creativity going," I said in a timid tone. Now I'd done it.

The whole class was looking at me with a mixture of sneers and boredom. Nobody wanted or needed reminding that we had an assignment due in a couple weeks.

"Overzealous as usual!" He grunted with an irritable scowl. "Why don't you focus on today's assignment instead of homework?"

"Because I, umm, already read the material being discussed," I responded as calmly as I could manage, though my hands were shaking. "I've already read Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde several times before.

"Then tell me, if you're such an expert, what do the two personas represent?" He demanded scathingly.

"Both represent the duality of human existence," I answered with genuine enthusiam in my tone. "Dr. Jekyll is the more virtuous half of humanity, being kind to his loved ones and keeping his head held high for the sake of them. Meanwhile Mr. Hyde is the more savage and cruel side that the kind doctor keeps hidden within. The struggle comes from keeping one side or the other in balance." At least that's what I thought it meant.

"Detention, Mr. Simons!" Mr. Boxem shouted in agitation. He was always like this. Ever since I accidentally spilled his coffee on him the first day in his class. While not too awful, he never let me forget it. All he could give me was detention since I was making decent grades in his class. "This Friday for two hours!!"

I sighed and looked out the window. I just wanted the day to be over. The final bell couldn't come quick enough.

"Ok class, remember to read chapters 2-4 tonight and write a brief two page summary," Mr. Boxem huffed to the class.

Everyone groaned as they left, except for me. As I walked out, I could feel the English Honors teacher shooting daggers at me. I went to my locker to get my stuff and go home. While I journeyed down the hall, I could feel everyone's eyes on me.

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