Chapter 10: Training...Sort..Of

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Moving Along Chapter 10: Training....Sort Of...


I walked through the halls of school with no destination in mind. How did I even get here? I didn't remember even getting up this morning. Oh well, nothing to worry about, I guess. Had to get that assignment turned in anyhow. It was really weird, though, because I felt like I was missing something really important. Nothing came to mind though, so I kept walking to my locker.

Upon getting to it, something strange happened. The sound of me opening the locker echoed throughout the school. It was deafening as it reverberated along the walls. That's when I realized no one was here. You, see that wouldn't be weird if the school was low enrollment or it was after hours, it wasn't. Not only was it the middle of the day, this place had a waiting list from overcrowding.

I looked around, feeling more than confused. Just to be sure, I checked my watch to see that it was 12PM precisely. Class should've let out for lunch, yet no one was here. I stood in the silence for several minutes, waiting and listening for something, anything that could be of interest. That same silence was broken with the sound of a girl's scream. It was earsplitting to listen to, but the voice was familiar.

"Roxy!" I realized suddenly, then broke into a run in the direction I heard her. My heart was pumping a mile a minute while I went full sprint towards the second floor stairs. Another shriek passed through my skull as I ran up them.

"AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!" Roxy's voice cried out again. "ATTICUS!!!! HELP ME!!!!!"

I reached the top of the stairs, almost out of breath, and looked around. Step after step, I walked through the second floor hall, feeling the rising tension in my shoulders. There were lots of doors that led to classrooms along this hall. I had to find the one that Roxy was in. However, whatever made her scream would probably take her hostage if it knew I was right on its tail.

I also had to be diligent and- *squelch* -a wet sound was made on the floor. I looked down and saw a puddle of red liquid oozing from the art room. On instinct, I busted through the door in a panic. That feeling went away though when I saw it was red paint spilled over from a bucket. My mood got even better when I saw a familiar girl standing at the end of the room.

Her back was to me, but I still recognized the red hair anywhere. "Roxy..." I spoke up happily. "I'm so glad to see you! Do you know why the school is empty? It's creeping me out...Roxy?"

She hadn't moved since I barged in. Not even a little bit. After a several stretches of silence, I took a step forward- "Don't..." She said aloud in an emotionless tone. "Don't come any closer to me..."

I stopped dead in my tracks. What was she saying? "Roxy what's wrong?" I tilted my head in confused apprehension. "Are you ok?"

She merely smirked and laughed softly. I was clearly missing something important here. Why was she acting so weird? Had I done something to make her angry? "You're my problem Atticus..." She said finally. "You left me in this hell hole of a world while you've been with your furry friends!"

"Roxy, what are you-" I began.

"Save it!" She turned around and I gasped falling back onto my rear-end. Instead of her normal human face, she had the snarl of a white tiger. My heart started to race as the female white tiger stalked towards its prey. "You're going to pay for leaving me, abandoning me!!!!"

I got up, then turned to run, only to feel claws sink into my back. "Just where are you going, Atticus?!" Roxy's voice got ten octaves deeper. "You gonna run and hide like you do all the time? Pathetic!"

She clawed deeper, making me cry out in pain, "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" My blood mixed with the red paint, turning a new shade of ruby red.

Everything started to fade into black. I must have lost too much blood.....I was....going to a tiger?

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