Moving Along Q/A: Atticus doesn't like me?

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Moving Along Q/A: Atticus doesn't like me???

Disclaimer: This chapter was created right after Chapter 29 and as such has several outdated plot points, discussions, and character writing. Read with that in mind.

A/N: Music here is the KH: Unchained X version of Dearly Beloved.

"Excuse me????" Atticus growls at Zuboi, who is sitting on the couch with a bored expression on his face. Wasn't easy getting him here, but I'm....persuasive. And I promised him a bit of an edge in the story. "You really are crazy if you think I'm gonna play nice with you!!"

"You are going to play nice," I say as I walk into my living room, which feels a bit small what with all the Furs in it. It will have to do though given that I'm not rich nor have I the resources for a studio. Maybe when I'm actually selling books I can afford one. "Now can you please sit down? I know how stubborn you can be, but maybe cooperate with me?"

Atticus glowers at me and I can feel the anger coming, "you don't tell me what to-"

"Dear god, can you just shut up and sit down for a change?!" I yell. "It is not a good time to be testing your luck, got it?!" Atticus looks like he wants to explode then catches the look in my eye. After a moment, he nods, taking a seat right next to Ziro on the couch which is on the opposite end where Zuboi is sitting. Since Atticus looks exactly like me, save for the eye and fur color, he probably saw himself for a moment.

"Archer are you ok?" Erick gets up from his chair and approaches me with a concerned expression on his face. He knows me the best out of all of them. I mean he should. He is one of the few characters based on a real person. What am I saying? Everyone here is real in their own way.

"I'm fine big guy," I run my paws through my white head fur as a form of stress release. "Don't call me Archer. Just sit with your sister so I can count you all please."

"Is it the real world again?" He presses further.

"Yes it's the real world again," I sigh, trying very hard to keep my cool. "I'm handling it ok? We all have our struggles you know? Mine aren't as....explosive as the rest of yours, but they're there. Can I do a head count now?"

Erick nods and goes back to his spot with Sirine. After a few short breaths to calm myself, I look over my roll sheet then to the furry occupants currently shedding onto my furniture. I'd need more than a Hoover to get all that up. Atticus is front and center on the couch with Ziro on my left and Zuboi on my right. 'Ok that's the big three,' I mark them down as here. Sirine sits quietly on my armchair while her brother Erick leans on it. Clearly, she got here first based on the satisfied look on her face. I can't help, but smile a little at that.

Once I mark their names all that is left is, "....Roxy?" I look around, but our one human red head is no where to be found. Instantly, an anxious pit forms in my stomach. "Has anyone seen her????" I ask the cast only to get head shakes and a confused look from Atticus. Guess he doesn't know she was invited. "Perfect....the one person I thought would be on time and-"

My front door opens before I can finish my rant to reveal just the red head I'm looking for. "Am I late?" Roxy looks a little winded so I cut her some slack. Ok not really.

"Just a smidge!" I fake smile. "There's a spot between Atticus and Zuboi with your name on it!" Yes sitting with Zuboi is a punishment.

"Excuse me?" She looks affronted as she closes the door behind her.

"The early bird gets the worm sweetie and it looks like you're sitting next to lizard man!" I try my best to keep smiling. "Try being on time next time."

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