Tribute To My Followers

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A/N: After Chapter 6

Take my Paw

The video above is a collab with Eric Vang and Nviek 5 on YouTube. ^^

It was snowing for the first time in years in Dallas, Texas. Most of the roads were closed but a few cafés were open. In one particular one sat a German Shepherd. The dog was young and small in stature. He came here for coffee almost everyday. There was nothing particularly special about the place at all. It was low class and a bit dirty but that's not why the dog went there.

He went there because it was the place where he first ran into his best friend. It'd been a few years back when he walked into the place, it was much cleaner then, and met a grey wolf who was sitting alone. At first he payed the wolf no mind and ordered his coffee. He was about to leave when he saw the wolf start crying.

The German Shepherd stopped for a moment. He regarded the wolf with a sympathetic look but dismissed it. Why was this fur's pain his problem? Oh yeah it wasn't. He went to leave again but stopped himself. After taking a deep breath the Shepherd walked to over to where the sad wolf was sitting and sat next to him.

The wolf kept crying, obviously unaware of the dog sitting next to him. The Shepherd got a better look at this wolf now. The grey wolf was of a muscular build and very tall. This was surprising to see such a big wolf cry like this.

"Um excuse me..." The Shepherd spoke. "Are you alright?"

The wolf looked up with tears in his Gray eyes. Even though they were blood shot they still held their beauty.

"Who are you?" The wolf asked. "Do I know you?"

"No.." The Shepherd said. "But my name is Edward Canine."

Some light went into the wolf's eyes. He half smiled at Edward. He wondered what this little shepherd was doing in a place like this.

"My name is Zeke Dire." The wolf said. "You asked if I was ok. I'm not at all. I'm really sad."

"Why's that?" Edward inquired. "What's making you so sad man?"

"My life." Zeke dropped his ears. "It's been one big train wreck. No matter what I do it always gets worse. I'm ready to just end it all."

Edward thought for a moment. He could relate to what Zeke was saying. Life wasn't easy to begin with. A hard one could be hell.

"Don't say that." Edward shook his head. "There's so much to live for."

"Like what?" Zeke eyed him curiously.

Edward stopped for moment. What was so good about this world? What were the things that made it great? Great enough to want to live on it. Then it came to him.

"Life is great because," He began, "It's filled with love. It's a world where furs and humans of all types walk freely. Everyday you can breathe in the air and watch the birds fly through the skies. The heart of one being can beat with the other. New people and experiences lie around every corner. All that and much more Zeke."

"Hehe." Zeke chuckled. "I guess you have a point. I'm not entirely convinced but....I could give it a shot. On one condition."

"Which is?" Edward tilted his head.

"We live together and be friends." Zeke answered then put his arm around Edward. "Wouldn't want me to wander off and kick the bucket early would you?"

The next few years after that were some of the greatest on Edward's life. Everyday they spent together was filled with joy. Little by little Zeke opened more and more. Everything was great until....

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