Chapter 4: UFA Citizen

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Moving Along Chapter 4: UFA Citizen (sort of)

A/N: I think there should be a day dedicated to eating pancakes! I would love it! What? Oh right, the next chapter! Here ya go!

Only one word could describe FurCity. A zoo. At least that's the first thing that came to mind when I first laid my eyes on it. There were furs of different species everywhere. Horses that clopped along the sidewalk, dogs barking at each other in greeting, cats using the power line poles as scratching posts, and even hippos wading in the nearby ponds under the hot sun.

That was nothing compared to the buildings, however. A lot of the homes including Ziro's were designed to look like dog houses. Some looked like cat towers on pillars. A few horse stable themed homes could be seen too.

It was nothing compared to what the stores looked like. You had Fido's Squeaky Toy Emporium, which was currently having a two for one sale. Naro's Burger Shack of assorted synthetics meats with any kind of bean substitute you could ask for. Psil's Cackling Hyena Joke Shop of curated internet content for your aspiring jokester. There was even a coffee shop named Jitter Hound, which had an LED sign of a chihuahua drinking chai. It looked far less full of rage than the ones I'd seen back at home. False advertising for sure.

"Amazing isn't it?" Ziro asked whistfully.

"Yeah, it's pretty incredible," I replied, still looking out the window with awe shown on my muzzle.

"Now you know why I would do anything to protect it," He murmured in an odd tone.

"Hm? What do you-" I never finished as I felt a sharp pain on my head and blacked out.


"Hey kid are you alright?" I heard a voice say.

I looked up and realized I was in the crashed car again. Blood was still dripping from my mother's wound. I knew I was dreaming, but this felt too real. I started breathing heavy again.

"Hey kid, it's alright you're going to be fine," the voice said again. I saw the driver's side door open and a tall dark man reach in and pull me out of the car. I didn't resist. Once I was out, he stood me up and tried to talk to me.

"Are you okay?" He asked, looking me up and down.

I didn't answer.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked again.

"No," I managed to croak out. "My parents are-..." I couldn't finish. Knowing they were lifeless in the car next to me just didn't feel real.

"Ohhhh shit," the man whispered to himself when he crouched to look back inside the vehicle. He reached out a hand to presumably unbuckle one of my parents, but thought the better of it. When he stood again, he looked about as haunted as I felt. Trying to distract himself from that horror, he returned to examining me, "kid, you need medical attention. That much glass-"

"I'm fine," I responded in a dead tone.

"No you're not fine," the man shook his head. "Wake up!"

I looked up at the man. "What did you just say?"

"Wake up!"


I snapped awake in a cold sweat. My breathing was still rapid and I could feel my heart beating like a drum. I tried to calm myself down by looking around when I realized I couldn't. I couldn't see! My heart rate shot up again when I tried to touch my eyes, but my hands were tied up behind my back. I tried to move my legs, but found they were also bound. The only thing that could move was my tail, which was waving freely behind me. At least it was until I felt something step on it.

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