Chapter 15: The Bad Dragon

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Moving Along Chapter 15: The Bad Dragon

'Does everything exist?' That was my first thought when I saw the dragon. He was walking and talking just like all the other furs and lizards, but...he was definitely a dragon. He looked at me with his shining eyes flickering from the fires and explosions going on all around.

"Are you just gonna sit there or are we gonna get to HQ?" The dragon tilted his head.

"HQ?" I took his claw and stood up slowly. "As in FIA HQ?" I asked him curiously. He said he was an agent, but considered what was going on around us, he could be anyone. Isn't a dragon considered a lizard too? I guess that wasn't fair. Not all lizards would be part of the LOS. Right?

I didn't have time to ask, however, when another wave of lizards rushed our position. We turned and had each other's backs as we were quickly surrounded. "Well, I hope that sniper of yours has enough rounds for the rest of them," I remarked and readied my swords, earning a smirk from Erick.

"Trust me, we'll have enough short stack." He replied. I have no idea why he called me that, but it bugged me. I wasn't that short...right? "I'm ready when you are!"

I gave a swift nod and we shot off in the opposite direction of each other. The lizards to the front of me stood no chance as my sharp blades decapitated them. Agent Vicor aimed down his sights at point blank range and fired. A single energy shot went through one lizard, the one behind it, and kept going until it hit fifteen targets, finally slowing down enough to still impale one in the skull.

While Erick was distracted, a lizard tried to stab him from behind. I turned my head and threw one of my swords at it, where it impaled the creature in the back. As it fell over, defeated, I ran over and yanked my blade out.

"Thanks kid," The dragon smiled at me real quick before taking aim again.

As more of them rushed our position, I cut down one after the other in quick succession. Sweat trailed down my fur in a steady stream. I wasn't used to this kind of non stop fighting. Seeing this, Erick stood in front of me and went rapid fire on the group I was facing. "Wolf too easy for ya? Let's try a dragon!" Small bits of light pierced them along their necks and chests.

They all slumped over dead on the spot, but there were still a lot more. Erick didn't seem to like these odds. I guess it'd been easier for him considering he had a vantage point. After a moment of thinking with our backs pressed together, he grabbed my paw. "Come on, we're leaving now!" He grunted before throwing me onto his back and taking flight.

"Whoa!!!" I was caught by surprise obviously, but I held on tight. Wind whipped through my brown fur as we ascended higher into the blackened sky. "At least give me advanced warning!"

"I did!" Erick laughed as we flew by several skyscrapers. He spun around like a dart, then spread his wings to take us even higher. "I said we were leaving now! Isn't that warning enough?"

"No, you scared the shit out of me!" I complained, my arms tightened around his neck for a better grip.

"Awww come on, don't tell me the Widdle Wolfy is scared is he?" Erick was clearly enjoying this way more than he should. We didn't get to have this moment much longer, however, when I felt something wiz past my ear. "Hold on!" He warned and spun mid air, dodging a flurry of arrows in the process.

I held on tight and tried not to slip. These guys really were persistent in the worst way. Erick was faster than them though, his dodges and spins were so jarring, however, it was starting to make me sick. He noticed and attempted to slow down even as arrows from hell were constantly firing.

"Enough of the projectiles, dammit!!" I sat up slowly and summoned one of my Scimitars. When another barrage of arrows flew toward us, I spun it around in quick sharp movements to block them. For the most part, I knocked them off target, but one grazed my cheek, drawing blood. "Rrrgggg not good enough!!!" I moved my sword arm even faster and my senses sharpened.

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