Chapter 34.5: Explanation

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Art made by RULER! They make wonderful furry art and even draws yours truly from time to time! @RLEROFEVRYTHING on the Twitter!

Moving Along Chapter 34.5: Explanation


Erick didn't think the situation could possibly get any worse as he finally took a seat in the corner of his cell. After exhausting most of his internal firepower, all he had to show for it was a scorched up cell with barely even a crack on the walls. It may have been minimum security on this floor, but you hardly needed it when the prisoners had zero chance of escape. He let out a low grunt and closed his eyes. 'Gotta think of a way out of here,' he thought to himself. 'Hopefully the kid and her parents can keep up once we do. And Sirine....' His claws dug into the ground.

He shook his head of the thought. There wasn't any time to dwell on her. She made her choice and if he had to take down the whole LOS and drag her home, then so be it. For now, though, he'd have to rack his brain for any solution out of this. Unfortunately, he was in a bigger mood to brawl than to think. Sure he'd had some great ideas before, however, none of them were going to be of any use as of now. 'If only Atticus was here right now,' he thought of the little brown wolf. 'He'd have a way out by now for sure..' It was a shame their brief reunion only consisted of trying not to die. Well, that's mostly what their friendship consisted of anyway.

"Um, excuse me, Mr. Erick?" Amelia tapped on the wall of her cell to get his attention. The dragon opened his eyes and glanced at her. She had a nervous look in her gaze which was in no doubt due to his previous display to escape. He was no stranger to cubs being scared of him. It came with having looks associated with lizards. The fire probably didn't help any either, though.

"You're finally awake then?" He asked to which she nodded in response. "Are you alright? Do you need anything?" Not that there was much he could do in this situation.

She glanced behind herself, "my parents have something they want to tell us, something important." There was a somberness in her tone that Erick couldn't help but pick up on. It kind of went without saying as to why. For now, her family's safety was at the mercy of their current captors.

He sat up, then approached the wall the two shared, "I'm all ears." He wiggled his scaly ears in a bit of comedic manner. Amelia didn't smile, much to the dragon's disappointment, then turned to face her parents, who were staring at Erick through the opposite wall of Amelia's cell. He could see the hesitation in their gazes. It was something he'd learned to pick up on with Furs. The only one who hadn't looked at him that way was Atticus. "I don't bite, you know," the dragon crossed his arms.

"S-sorry," the male leopard shook his head. "We're used to faces like that being-...anyway, my wife and I have information regarding the leader of this organization."

"You mean Zuboi?" Erick placed a clawed hand under his chin and the male leopard nodded. "What do you know? Actually, why are you telling us?" Not that the info wouldn't be helpful.

Amelia's mother answered, "Zuboi has had the two of us studying a strange book over the past month. While the glyphs within it seemed unintelligible, we managed to decipher it. There were several references to the soul and the power derived from all the souls in this world. As for why we're telling you.." She closed her eyes to gather herself. When she opened them again, she fixed her gaze right on Erick. "We may have outlived our usefulness now that we've deciphered its meaning. Any moment now we could be-...please hear us out and protect our daughter." There was an air of desperation in her voice.

Moving Along RemasteredOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora