Chapter 29: Reunion Part 1

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A/N: This is the new KH3 trailer. Don't know if any of you have seen it yet, but I couldn't resist adding it to this update!!!! So excited for the news this July 15th!! Plus the music is sooooo freaking cool!!

Moving Along Chapter 29: Reunion Part 1

With thousands of lizards swarming the area, Ziro had a hard time believing anything could possibly get worse. He was wrong. "We gotta get to higher ground," he whispered to Minerva, who seemed to be in a daze. There wasn't time for that. The building he dove into with her hadn't been breached yet, however, given time the lizards would sniff them out before long. They needed to find a way out or they'd be cornered. "Minerva??" He whispered, nudging her with his paw.

"I don't understand," she shook her head and took the rubies out. "This was supposed to be my big pay off.."

"Let me see those," Ziro requested and held out his paw. He'd noticed something off about them earlier, though he figured it wouldn't be his problem once he got to the city. See how that turned out. Reluctantly, the blue fox handed over the jewels. After weighing them in his paws, he squeezed them. Without any resistance, they shattered in his grasp.

"Ziro, what the fu-" Minerva spouted off, causing the wolf to cover her muzzle, so they wouldn't attract attention. She swung at him, giving him no other choice, but to pin her with his other paw. Yeesh, this was almost like his junior prom only this time HE was on top.

"You were set up!" He hissed under his breath while listening for any possible hostiles. The blue fox under him, meanwhile, was busy trying to claw at his throat. Fortunately for Ziro, he was larger than average, so she couldn't reach. "You were meant to be to be killed with someone! Probably Atticus if he'd accompanied you! All you were was one of many traps." After a moment of contemplation, she groaned and finally stopped squirming.

When he knew she wouldn't make another pass at him, Ziro released her, murmuring, "I'm sorry it didn't work out, Minerva, I really am." He got off of her and kept listening to the loud rustling of the invading lizards outside. By the sound of it, more and more were pouring out from the ground at an alarming rate. Already the growing sound of screaming civilians could be heard as the LOS's presence became known. 'Blast it..'

"It's fine," she grunted, standing up right next to him. "Just more of a reason to fight on your side and get even for this. To think I was handed a garbage fake. I won't be able to show my mug until I get my honor back."

"Don't feel too bad. Contrary to what Kurona said, they actually were very convincing. Only problem was the way it was cut," the black furred wolf held up the remaining fragments. "Too ragged and uneven like it was hastily made. Considering I was able to crush it, I assume it was a kind of reflective ceramic."

"How do you know this stuff??" Minerva raised an eyebrow.

"I paid attention in the theory portion of the academy," he winked with a grin on his muzzle. "Now let's get out of here." Ziro gestured to the dimly lit stairway in the apartment building they crashed in. Judging by the dust and cobwebs, the building seemed to be somewhat out of commission. That was good since unknowing civilians would make too much noise.

Without another word, Ziro took point and lead the way up the steps. He was careful to tread lightly, so as not to make a single creak in the wood that old stairs tended to have. So far so good, they made it to the second floor, which was just as barren and dusty. The wolf took the opportunity to check one of the windows. He sighed inwardly at the massive stream of lizards making their way down the main roads. "At this rate, this city will be the next to fall, just like the other ones," he whispered to his companion.

"It can't be helped," Minerva responded to him with a low whisper. "The LOS has finally launched its big take over plan and it looks like they have their sights set on something big. Atticus seems to be just one of the pieces to that something. That's the word from the underground right now. It's why I knew you were connected to him. Sorry I didn't tell you before, didn't know it was this severe."

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