Chapter 35: Last Night

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Moving Along Chapter 35: Last Night

I didn't really know what to make of all this. Wanderers, temples, magical books, and somewhere I lied in the center of it all. It felt like being at the mercy of a storm, constantly being blown in every direction, hoping that I'll make it out of this alive. Was I even going to make it out of this alive? I hadn't really thought about that. My thoughts were soon interrupted by the sound of our German Shepherd guide, Cole, whistling a happy toon. Did he not understand the situation we were in? He glanced back at me and saw the bemused look on my face, "Hehe, you wouldn't be the first to give me that look." He giggled a little. "I find that doing little things that make you happy can help get through stressful times."

"I agree," Ziro nodded his head in agreement. "Before every mission, I used to journal about my previous mission. It always helped me review how I succeeded and what I needed to work on in order to increase my chances of success." He smiled as he thought back to it.

"I had no idea you wrote, Ziro," I felt a spark of admiration.

"Oh yeah, all the time," he nodded more in excitement. "I haven't done as much since we met, but I'll have one hell of a story to tell after we defeat Zuboi!"

After we defeat Zuboi? He actually believed we could do that? Do I, as well?? I mean there was no way I was going to let him take over this world without a fight, but..- "what about you Atticus?" Cole asked then let out a peppy yap. Urge to pat his head, rising. "Is there something you do to make yourself feel better?"

"Hm? You're asking me?" I crossed my arms and thought about it. Back when I was in the human realm, I used to sketch landscapes. The town I was in had plenty grassy areas that I could work off of. Sometimes I'd sit with...with Roxy and sketch her sitting amongst the red flowers that grew in the Fall. They matched her long flowing hair that seemed to glitter when the Fall air blew through it. I smiled at the thought, suddenly longing for a moment such as that one again. That's when I realized Ziro and Cole were still waiting on an answer. "I guess I just think about my friends. The ones that are counting on me to make things right." Even the ones who were no longer with me. A small pain filled my chest as my thoughts lingered over her. There were so many Falls she could have had. So many she wouldn't now.

Cole let out another loud yap and wagged his tail, "I like that one! Maybe I'll start doing that too!!"

"Me too," Ziro nudged me with a knowing look in his gaze. "Friends should always be in our thoughts. It'll motivate us to keep going forward." He leaned in to whisper in my ear, "we'll get the others back as well as Roxy, I promise you."

I tried to smile back at him as best I could. At some point, I was going to have to tell him what happened to her. What I did. Fear of what he'd say crept into my gut again. Before I could think on it too long, however, Cole stopped without warning, causing me to nearly collide with his back. Had Ziro not grabbed the back of my red vest at the last second, I surely would have. "What in the blazes-" I started.

Cole called out in even more excitement, "we've made it to your room!!!" I felt bad for anyone who'd been sleeping before that outburst. Actually, they might be used to it. The excitable German Shepherd fumbled with his ring of room keys he'd stored on his belt until he found the one with our door number on it. "Room 0315! Go right on in!!" He unlocked the door, after practically jamming the key into it, and held it open for us. I glanced at Ziro, who gestured for me to go in first. Always the gentleman.

When I walked into the room, I half expected to see a small space with bunk beds considering this was an underground government base. Much to my surprise, however, the room was quite expansive with a desk and chair, mini fridge, and queen sized bed. The bathroom was immediately to my left which looked spotless and housed a large bath tub for leisurely use. Ziro scooted in next to me with a look that was almost as surprised as mine. "Ok, so it's not just me?" I stared up at him and tilted my head. He shook his slowly in response.

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