Chapter 17: Is that a.....Cannon???

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Moving Along Chapter 17: Is that a.....Cannon???

"Oh this was not thought through," I growled as I dived out of the way of the Salaflamer. 'What gave you the clue, Einstein?? Did you really think this was going to be a piece of cake?' Kurai chastised me rather harshly. "Well...maybe a little.." I ducked my head as a flaming tail swung over it. The heat of it slightly singed the tips of my fur.

"Whoa ok! That's really really hot!" I patted my fur down real quick before throwing one of my scimitars at its back while it snapped at Erick. The blade bounced off as soon as it connected and vanished. "That's no good..." The creature's head snapped to me and I instantly broke into a run. "Oh come on, why me?!"

'Why not at this point?' Kurai sighed audibly in my head. "Hey shush, I didn't think it'd be this ineffective!" I ducked again when the sound of a fireball blazing through the air was heard. It flew over my head and hit one of the many homes we were trying to defend. 'Jeez Atti, whose side are you on, the monster's??'

"Trying my hardest!" I complained. The townsfolk were hiding in their homes for protection. At first they stayed to watch, but then fireballs started shooting everywhere including Erick's, sooo....yeah it kind of explains itself doesn't it? The house that was hit went up in flames in an instant. From inside, I could hear a scream of terror. On instinct, I rammed the door open of the burning building to see a small otter curled up in the corner. "Come on, it's not safe here!" I gestured for her to come closer.

Before she could even stand up, a support collapsed above her head. Without thinking, I launched myself across the small room and shielded her with my body. I grunted when I felt the wooden support beam slam right into my back, but I stayed strong. "Rrrrgggg....just stay calm.." I picked up the small otter and protectively carried her out.

"Atti, what are you-" Erick was on the flaming salamander's back when he saw me. "Oh a little one? Got it!"

I put her down a good distance away from the house and backed up. "Go on find someone place to-" *SMACK!!* I felt like a train crashed right into my back. Without any warning, I was launched into the air. "Gah!!" I coughed up blood as I flew through the roof of a house. When I landed, it was muzzle down on a dining room table. "That could've...gone...better.." I groaned to myself. More blood caught in my throat that I coughed out.

With a loud crack, some of the remaining rubble from the roof fell on me. "Not my day is it?" It was a little difficult to breathe. Wouldn't have surprised me if my ribs had cracked. I tried to get up, but both my legs felt like they were on fire. "Rrrrgggg...not good..." I tried to move one to which it felt like hot lava got poured in it. "AHHHH!!! Dammit that hurts!!!" My vision started to blur from the pain.

'Atticus, I'm losing you,' Kurai warned me. 'You can't pass out at a time like this! The others need you!'

"I think my...legs are broken," I tried to move the other one, but was met with the same pain "GAAAHH! Fuck!" There was another crashing sound outside followed by the roar of either Erick or the Salaflamer. "No, I can't just..."

'Stop fighting it,' another voice calmly told me.

"Simon what...are you talking about?" I grunted out between heavy breaths.

'I can feel it inside of you,' My inner sense of bravery went on. 'You're still holding back some of Kurai's power and mine. You can't win without using our full strength.'

I didn't say anything to that. Of course I wasn't going to give myself over like that. What if it changed me? It already changed me a lot and I'd only been using about a third of their strength at this point. If I went full throttle, I might run the risk of losing all that I am. What if I forgot who I was? Why I came here? Worst of all, what if I forgot about Roxy?

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