Chapter 26.5: Episode Roxy Part 2: Treasure

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A/N: Ventus's Theme from Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep (my favorite Kingdom Hearts Game).

Extra Episode Part 2: Treasure

I was waiting by locker 1224 for Atticus. Almost every day, we'd walk home together. He was a little late getting here, which meant his nose was mostly likely in a book. He was known for that. Always lost all reason when he was fixated on something. It was more than likely that he was sitting in an empty classroom long after the students and teacher left. I couldn't fault him for reading, though.

After the first group project we did, we became fast friends. I liked some of the things he liked and he tried to like some of the things I liked. It was obvious that he was in need of a friend. Someone as lost as him showed it in his eyes. They held a great hurt accompanied by a vast emptiness. I hoped being around me would take away from that hurt.

Some days, it seemed to do the trick, but others, he was hardly approachable. He'd shut down on mentally taxing days and hide behind a book or work. It was his way of coping without looking vulnerable. I gave him his space during those times, knowing he'd come find me when he didn't want to be alone anymore. In just six months, he was more of a younger sibling to me.

I hadn't intended for that to happen, but somewhere along the line, I knew a relationship wasn't what he needed to heal. Someone to be vulnerable with was what he needed. It seemed to be working at the time. His smiles became much more frequent whenever we hung out.

"Seriously, where is he?" I mumbled to myself. The hallway was entirely empty with no sign of anyone approaching. After a few minutes of waiting, I decided to just go look for him. His last class was nearby, so it wouldn't take longer than a minute to get there. What was I going to do with this kid?

"Not so smug now, are you?!" I heard the familiar sneer of someone just around the corner into the next hall.

"Neil, come on, give it back- *smack*" the sound of Atticus pleading, followed by a whimper of pain, confirmed my suspicions. I turned the corner and saw the big lunk head himself, Neil, standing over Atticus, who'd fallen over after receiving a swift punch to the face.

"You bled from a weak punch like that?" Neil scoffed at the smaller boy below him.

That did it, "Neil!" I stepped into the hallway and stood between the two of them. "Just what do you think you're doing???"

Neil smirked, "I saw this nerd reading about mythical creatures." He held up a book that had a picture of a dragon on it. "Thought I'd play keep away with it, but he started whining like a lost puppy!"

"Give it back to him," I said simply.

"Or what? You gonna tell my mom?" He mocked my tone.

"I'll take it from you," I shrugged and dropped my backpack on the floor.

"Please don't, Roxy!!" Atticus wiped the blood off of his lip. "Just go, they'll hurt you too!!"

"No, Atticus," I shook my head and popped my shoulders. "Bullies have to learn." Neil didn't hesitate to try to get the first swing on me. In an instant, I ducked under him, uppercutted his chin, and leg sweeped him all in one motion. Neil toppled over onto his back and hit the back of his head on the floor. At first, he just stared in shock, then actually started tearing up. Without a word, he stood and ran off, leaving the book Atticus was reading behind.

I sighed and picked it up off the floor gently, dusting it off, "I'm glad mom made me keep doing those self defense courses." I turned to my fallen friend. He stared at me with a surprised look that turned into light embarrassment.

"T-thank you," he mumbled, then stood up on his own and picked up my bag for me. "Trade?"

I nodded, then handed his book over in exchange for my bag, "are you ok, Atti?"

"Yeah," he nodded, placing his book back in his bag. "I'm just glad my book is ok.."

"Atticus, I think your lip is more important than a book," I shook my head, but smiled anyway.

"Books are wonderful," he scratched the back of his head. "They're portals into a different world. They bring people together who share the same interests. They remind us of our humanity and teach us about things. Important things, like friendship." A small shimmer appeared in his eye.

"Is that so?" I ruffled his hair.

"Yeah, it made me realize I treasure having you around.." He looked away, his face a bright shade of crimson.

I didn't really know what to say, "let's go home. Mom won't mind having you at dinner tonight." I grabbed his hand and led him out the school before he could say no.

I treasured him too.

A/N: What do you guys think? A cute moment between two friends or a sad moment about what's been lost? Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this short chapter. For me, the segments between Roxy and Atti need to be short and sweet. Their relationship is very less is more.

What're your thoughts on the invasion in BrightFur? What do you predict will happen to our characters? I'd love to see what you think.

Archer out!!

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