Chapter 22: The Bright World and The Wolf's Rest

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A/N: I will not pose shirtless on here. X3 maybe if I can hit 15k views.

Chapter 22: The Bright World and The Wolf's Rest


"One of these days, I'm gonna wake up and my head won't feel like it got cracked open with a battle axe," the black wolf groaned in pain when he came to. He'd been propped against a tree for the night and the dying embers of a campfire were fizzling out. It'd been the afternoon when Ziro got to FurTon. It was now dawn. Out of commission for longer than he wanted or expected.

"Look on the bright side," the sound of an annoying voice interrupted his griping. He knew who it was and fought the urge to groan. "You got me to keep you company this time." Minerva patted the wolf's head to which he compulsively moved it. She stood before him with her paws on her hips. Besides a scratch or two, she looked fine. He was a little glad for that.

"Oh I should only be so lucky," Ziro remarked to her, rubbing the sand out of his eyes with his paws. "Waking up to a world class thief who's probably already lifted my pockets."

"Oh ouch," Minerva put on her fake frown. "Well that wasn't very nice. Don't you trust me-"

"Stop," Ziro cut her off almost immediately. "No, I don't trust you in the slightest. You wanted to get to where Atticus was. Why is that? I hardly think you two just so happened to be heading in the same direction." Things didn't work like that. She needed Atticus for something and agent Whitefang wasn't having any of it.

Minerva never faltered as always, "hmph, I don't expect you to trust me, you probably shouldn't." She admitted to him. "I just need to get to BrightFur to deliver something to a contact of mine."

"What do you need to deliver?" He sighed in resignation, then stood up, instantly dwarfing her with his height.

"Just these," She held up two particularly large jewels. Both of them were a bright red that gleamed in the morning light.

"Those are some pretty big rubies," Ziro had to admit the stones before him looked better than the average rock. "I suppose a client of yours requested them? Where'd you lift these from?"

She grunted in indignation, "I bought them, of course!"

"A likely story," the wolf shook his head. Minerva must have forgotten he's the one that helped her with her lying skills. "If you bought them then you clearly wouldn't be in need of whatever the client is paying. Plus your eye still twitches when you lie to me," he remarked.

"Ah! It does not!" She snarled at him and attempted to swat his head, to which he dodged it, chuckling lightly. "You owe me dog!" A confident look spread across her muzzle.

"I don't owe you shit," Ziro shook his head. "You may have told me where he is, but you still ended up needing me to escape the LOS. Safe to say you aren't working with them, though, since they didn't hesitate to fire at you too." He could at least rule that out. It didn't mean he would let his guard down any. Actually..."You know what? I'll take you to BrightFur."

"Wait, what?" She looked confused at the sudden change of heart.

"Yeah, I'll take you there. We can take your stolen jewels there and then you can help me find Atticus." If Minerva insisted on going to BrightFur, he'd just keep an eye on her. Just for the time being anyway. Then, when it was safe, he could part ways no problem.

The blue fox eyed him for a second before saying, "Ok deal."

"Good. Now where's my bike?" Ziro wondered, looking around for it. The sun had gone up considerably, so he could see everything more clearly. Everything except his bike. "I heard it land with us."

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