Chapter 25: Who's going to Burn?

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Moving Along Chapter 25: Who's going to burn?

I struggled to keep hold of the spear with just my paws. The lizard in front of me savored my suffering while Amelia could only look on in horror. 'Dammit, if I don't stop him,' I glanced behind me at Amelia, who was still frozen. If I let go now, the spear would impale her after tearing through my insides. Last time I checked, being impaled was very bad. Especially when you couldn't heal.

'You should have paid more attention!' Kurai reprimanded me while I struggled.

'Oh, if it isn't the Monday Quarterback!!' I snapped back. My grip on the spear was wearing out by the second. 'Got any helpful advice for now and instead of later??'

'I-I don't know,' he sounded a little defeated. How encouraging when even the battle hardened warrior had nothing. My heart was pumping at a million miles a minute and each time it did, blood flowed freely from my open wound. The spear went a few centimeters deeper, causing me to grunt out in pain.

"You fool boy~" the lizard taunted me with a sinister smile on his snout. "You're both going to die now. Why not give up? Maybe I'll let the girl live if you tell me where the rest of your ilk have gone. We've looked far and wide, but they're nowhere to be seen in this damned forest!!"

"You'll be looking for a very long time, then," I coughed up more blood. While I didn't know anything, Amelia definitely did. The odds of her saying anything were slim to none. Giving up everyone else wasn't an option. Even though I kinda wanted to punch that elder in the muzzle. The lizard snarled and dug the weapon even deeper into me. Pain and rage flowed through my veins even faster.

'Atticus,' Kurai warned. He could probably hear the music box resonate too. Or feel the fire flowing through my veins. I know the lizard started to see it since the confident sneer on its maw started to melt away. My grunts shifted into low growls as I regained my strong grip on the spear.

In one swift movement, I pulled it out with both of my paws and lifted it above me, lizard Included. Without a word, other than a savage snarl, I swung the spear so hard, the lizard lost its grip on it and was sent flying into a tree. Before the creature could fall, I expertly chucked the spear straight into its chest, impaling it into the old thick tree.

"Rrrrgggg," I growled deeply, falling to my knees. Blood kept flowing out of my lower abdomen at an alarming rate. The sound of it trickling down onto the wooden path made me more enraged. Soon I was starting to see only a blur of colors I couldn't quite make out. From what I could see, the fur on my paws flashing from red to brown in quick succession. 'Atticus, you're already losing it!!' Kurai barked out. My wound began to close up as the music box's chorus rose. No, this couldn't happen a second time, it just couldn't. Not so soon.

"Atticus?" My ears twitched at a soft voice.

"Atticus.." A gentle paw pressed against my back. I focused on its small warmth with every fiber of my being. Somehow it kept me grounded, calmed me even. "That's not you.."

I covered my eyes with my paws and took a deep breath. When I uncovered them, I stared at Amelia, who had a worried look on her muzzle. "There you are," she sighed with relief.

" did you do that?" I stood up slowly. The wound from the spear had completely gone. At least the rage inside me had some benefit. I felt as good as new.

"I dunno, I just did what mom used to do when I was angry, " she looked past me. "Thought it'd help."

I reached out and patted her head gratefully and said, "well it did the trick didn't it?" The small snow leopard looked up at me with a huge smile on her muzzle. How could anyone deny the innocence on it? "Alright, before we leave, I have to know something. Are the rest of the Furs here safe?"

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