Chapter 32: Deep Down..

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A/N: Plug of today, give one of my best friends, Psil, some love and check out his Bluesky, @Psil!! He makes some pretty hilarious Furry Visual Novel memes!! Make sure to tell him Atticus sent you! Enjoy the story!

Moving Along Chapter 32: Deep Down

Ziro listened carefully to every word I said like he was trying to spot anything I could possibly be hiding. That didn't stop me from withholding information about Kurai...and Roxy. He couldn't ever know about what I did to her. What would he say?? Nothing good, I could be sure of that. When I finished my story, he took a short pause before responding, "you've got more of a story to tell than me, that's for sure." He didn't seem very happy about that fact and I didn't blame him. There were plenty of things I wished hadn't happened on my journey as well. "I'm sorry it took me so long to get to you, Atticus. There was so much you didn't need to face alone."

"I wasn't alone Ziro," I shook my head. "Erick and Sirine had my back most of the way, as did Amelia."

"Yes, but they weren't me," the black wolf placed a paw on my cheek. I looked away from him, despite loving his familiar touch. "I know that there were a hundred things going through your mind that you couldn't voice. Your fears, your anger, your sadness. I can see it in your eyes. There's so much locked inside of you that you can't let go of even now. I'm so sorry I failed you sweetheart." He pressed his forehead to mine in silent affection.

Tears welled up in my soft blue eyes as I whimpered, "I missed you so badly." I closed my eyes and hugged him again. Even when it felt like the world was crashing down, his embrace relaxed me. His free paw stroked the back of my head, which hadn't been done in so long I'd almost forgotten how comforting it felt. Suddenly, I was back to a simpler time when he was chasing the nightmares away. I guess in a way he still was.

"Alright, time to fill in my side the story," Ziro pulled his head away, but kept me firm in his arms. For the next half hour he recounted his own journey to get to BrightFur. From tracking my implant to running into Minerva, a midnight blue she fox, and how she led him here. "Minerva! Oh Christ, how could I have forgotten?!" He stood up with me still in his arms and as his eyes darted around the area.

I thought back to when I first arrived, then lowered myself down from his grasp, "I saw her during my fight with Kurona. Her scent is still here. We just have to track it right?" If we could overlook the lizard stench at least.

Ziro raised an eyebrow and perked up his ears in mild surprise and looked down at me, "..yes actually. That's brilliant really." My tail swayed a little at the compliment.

"Your little wolf learned a thing or two on his journey~" I remarked while we sniffed the air for our blue fox friend in question. Her natural honey-like scent was fairly easy to catch once the wind picked up. I always wondered what gave people their distinct smell. Had she grown up in an area where fresh honey was produced? I'd have to ask about that later. We followed her scent, saying nothing between avid sniffs of the air around us. I made sure to keep a look out for her amongst the rubble, remembering seeing her slumped against an SUV. With any luck, my scuffle with Kurona hadn't cost her, her life either.

My heart skipped a beat when I finally spotted her in the wreckage, "Ziro, there!!" He and I sprinted to Minerva, who was still laid out against the dented van she'd been slammed into. Quite a few cuts riddled her body just from shattered windows alone. Ziro approached her and pressed his ear to her chest while also checking her pulse. A worried frown crossed his face, "her breathing is faint..." He moved to place a paw on her forehead. "Minerva can you hear me?? If you can, give me any form of indication." Even though he sounded calm, I could see the growing distress on his face.

For several breaths, a chill washed over us as we awaited her response. Ziro frantically looked her up and down in a desperate search for anything. I clenched my fits in frustration. All I could do was watch as the same despair I'd experienced started to overcome the one that I loved. His ears folded back slowly as time went on and the odds of the fox responding dwindled. With a small whimper, he hung his head. " owe me another shake dickhead," Minerva murmured, finally opening her eyes.

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