Chapter 89

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This is the last real chapter of this story! Tomorrow there will be another one but it's more like an epilogue. I cried while I wrote it lmao. Enjoy it🥺❤️

Magnus POV

"There are still some boxes here!" I called to Alec, who was standing outside with the relocation people. Shortly after he came into the already empty bedroom.

"Are these the last ones?" he asked, picking up one of the many. I also took one.

"Yes I think so." I answered and together we brought them to the big truck. We put them in and went back to get the rest. That's how it went all day long and now I can't feel my arms anymore.

Alec and I are leaving today. We had to clear everything first with the house and the school, but today we could leave. We bought a nice house. We hadn't seen it in real yet, so I was scared that someone might betray us, but Alec said he took care of it. Anyway, it looked nice in the pictures.

"Who would have thought that moving out could be so exhausting?" said Alec, after we put the last boxes in the truck. I smiled at him. He also seemed pretty much exhausted. I approached him and put my arms around his waist to pull him closer.

"But we did it." I answered. He nodded and kissed me gently. Employees closed the truck and approached us. We signed something, then said goodbye and they drove off. They would bring our things to our new house.

"You know, I'll miss all this, even though we've been through a lot of bad things here." Alec said. He's right. I grew up here, my friends live here and it wasn't easy to just let it go, but we do. I would do anything to be happy with Alec.

"Me too, but I'm looking forward to everything that comes." I answered smiling.

"Stop, or I'll start crying already." someone behind me said. It was Isabelle, Jace and Maryse. They had a cake in their hands and some forks. We smiled at her and hugged each one lovingly.

We had invited everyone again before we left. We said goodbye at the prom, but that should just get more personal. Just when we all parted, our friends came. I see Catarina also has someone with her. That must be Dot then.

"Hey, sorry, we're late." said Catarina. "Magnus, Alec, may I introduce you? This is Dot, my girlfriend." She said. She was pretty. She had long brown hair and a sweet smile. They fit together really well. Dot stepped forward and shook my hand.

"Nice to meet you." I said. She nodded, then shook Alec's hand.

"Likewise." she said with a big smile. "Too bad it's on the day you leave." She said. She is right.

"But I'm sure we'll meet again." Alec said now. We had decided to come more often to visit them. "Well, we don't have a table, but we can sit down on the floor and eat the cake." he said and everyone laughed and went inside. We sat down and started eating the cake together.

I didn't know how to feel. I was sad because today I leave my friends but on the other hand I was happy because everything is over now. The whole pain, should finally have an end.

We talked a long time and a lot about the future and what we plan to do. It was nice. One last day in this city. When it was time to leave, we got up and left the apartment together. I locked the apartment and handed the key to Ragnor, who said he would give it back.

Now we were standing there, in front of our new car, about to leave. Everyone stood and smiled at us. Isabelle, Maryse, Cat and even Simon even had tears in their eyes. Alec was the first to hug Isabelle and she sighed.

"You visit us quite often, right?" she sighed and Alec stroked her head reassuringly.

"Of course, Izzy. I'll miss you." he said and let go of Izzy.

"I'll miss you too, we all will." she said. Now I hugged her and we did that with everyone. It was touching and I felt the easy urge to just cry.

Finally, I hugged Catarina, who had long been crying. She opened her arms and I squeezed her tight. She sobbed.

"You will still be my best friend, Magnus, forever." she said. Now I also had tears in my eyes. No tears of sadness, but happy tears, because I know, even if we go, we will not be forgotten.

"And you'll always be my best friend." I answered and let her go. I wiped away her tears and she smiled gently. I looked at Alec, who was hugging his mother. She also sobbed loudly.

"Listen, Alec, I really wasn't a good mother and still you turned out good, albeit in a roundabout way, I just want you to know that no matter where you are, you'll always be my son and I'll always love you." She said. Alec hugged her tight.

"I love you too, Mom." he said, releasing her. She nodded and turned to me. She even hugged me, which surprised me.

"Take good care of him." she whispered. I smiled and she let me go.

„I will." I answered. I went back to Alec and took his hand.

"It's not a goodbye, it's a see you soon." said Alec. We got into the car. I looked outside one last time and saw everyone waving to us. We waved back before we finally left.

"That was touching." I said and Alec nodded. We had a three-hour drive in front of us, but it could be worse.

The ride was calm. I turned on the radio and Alec and I often sang along loudly. About 7 p.m. we arrived at our home. I parked at the garage and we both got out. The house looked the same from the outside as in the pictures. It was beautiful and looked comfortable, as I had always dreamed. Alec came to me and took my hand again.

"That's just beautiful." I said and Alec smiled at me. When I think about living here with Alec forever, I couldn't imagine anything better. "So, who were your helpers who helped us to get the house and carry the boxes in?" I asked, and just then the door opened and two people came out.

"Magnus, that's Maia and Andrew." he said. I looked at him in surprise. He told me a lot about them. Maia was his best friend when e was gone and Andrew his best friend. As far as I know, Andrew liked Alec a bit too much, but now has a friend named Lorenzo.

"So you lived in this city while you were away?" I asked and he nodded, smiling. Maia and Andrew approached us and hugged Alec tightly. When they released him, they turned to me and shook my hand.

"And you're Magnus. I'd say that Alec told a lot about you, but he was always so closed up and didn't say a word about his past until he left to go back to you. Well, that's how he explained it." Maia said. I laughed. I liked the two. They seemed nice.

"So, are we going in?" Andrew asked and we nodded. Together we entered the house and thus a completely new phase of life.

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