Chapter 3

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When I came home, the first thing I noticed were the shoes of my dad, which were standing in the hall. That meant that my father was back from his business trip. He was almost never at home, which didn't bother me, as we had no good relationship anyway.

I went to the kitchen, where my food was still at the table. I cleared it off because I lost my appetite. I packed my things and went upstairs to my room so as not to cross my fathers path.

I put on my headphones and did my homework. I couldn't really concentrate, so my homework was full of mistakes. So much went through my mind. Even though I didn't like Alexander, I had to think about him all the time.

What if he's not as bad as everyone claims? I had a weird feeling in my belly when I looked into his blue eyes. I don't understand why he doesn't try to make something of his life.

I was torn from my thoughts when there was a knock at the door. My dad entered my room and looked at me with his unaffected look. I rolled my eyes and turned back to my homework.

"No need to greet me?" he asked. I didn't raise my eyes and remained silent. We never had a good relationship. He was never at home and didn't care about us and I think that's why my mother killed herself.

"You've got this bad behavior from your mother." he continued. It was like a knife in my heart. How dare he involve my mother.

"Never talk about my mother again, you did not deserve her," I snapped and got up to take my keys and walked past him. He grabbed my hand but I pulled it away and left the house.

It was already very late, so it was already dark. I had a small apartment in town just in case. My family was rich anyway and I needed a place to retire. Although I had to walk through the city, which was not completely safe around the time, but I didn't want to go back home. At least not while my father was there.

So I went alone through the city when someone grabbed me by the shoulder and pulled into a dark side street. At that moment, my heart stopped. I didn't know what was happening right now but the person who grabbed me pushed me against the wall. He was strong because it was painful when my back hit the wall.

I sighed in pain. I looked him in the face, but had no idea who that was. He pressed his arm against my chest and it was hard for me to breathe. I tried to break loose but he was stronger. I thought that was my end now. This was how I'd die.

"That's what you get when you get involved in things that's none of your business." he said with a wicked grin. Now I recognized him. It was the guy who punched Alec in his face. He pushed me tighter against the wall and it felt like all my ribs were shattering into a thousand pieces.
I moaned in pain. I noticed the guy clenching his hands into fists. My whole body trembled. As if I did not have enough pain already, I thought. He just grinned at me angrily. I shut my eyes out, hoping it would all be over soon.

The guy pulled out and punched me once in the face. I screamed with pain and spit blood. He was way too strong for me, so I just couldn't free myself. „Please.., Stop. Please." I cried out. He pulled out again and hit again with full force in my face. My whole body was in pain and I realized how I was getting weaker and weaker. He raised his fist a third time and wanted to slap my face. I closed my eyes and prayed inwardly. I couldn't fight it anyway, so I just let it pass. I was just waiting for the punch when the guy was suddenly pulled off and I fell to the ground.

I just lay there in pain. I looked over and noticed someone grabbing the guy and punching his face a few times. The guy screamed in pain and begged the other guy to leave him. He broke away from him and the guy ran away as far as he could, since the other had pretty much hurt him.

The stranger came up to me and knelt down next to me. I was still in so much pain I couldn't quite breathe. He pulled me onto his lap and looked into my face. I opened my eyes a little further. My heart stopped when I saw Alexander. He was the one who helped me and maybe even saved my life.

"I'm so sorry, that shouldn't have happened." he whispered, stroking my hair. I wanted to answer him, but I had blood in my mouth. He lifted me and carried me in his hands. My eyes got heavier and heavier. I just wanted to sleep.

"I'll protect you from now on." he whispered. I was sure that he thought I couldn't hear him anymore, but that was the last thing I heard before I was fainting.

When I came to myself, I was in a strangers bed. I took a deep breath, which turned out to be painful. My chest hurt as soon as I took a breath. When I looked around I noticed that I was in a small abandoned hut. Well, it was not really abandoned, because a few things stood around.

I sighed in pain again as I tried to sit up. I took a cell phone, which was unexpectedly still in my pocket. It was 4 o'clock in the morning. I didn't even know where I was. I glanced aside as I noticed someone coming through the door.

I looked into Alexander's eyes and he looked into mine. He looked at me with a worried look and now I could remember everything. I gave him a small smile to assure him that I was fine. He came to me and sat on the edge of the bed.

You don't know meOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora