Chapter 46

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Good Morning! It's my last day of school wohooo. Okay well actually I still have school tomorrow but just one lesson so that doesn't count :) Have fun with the chapter! <3

Magnus POV

"Magnus, are you here?" Raph asked, waving his hand in front of my face. I blinked and looked at him. I just nodded and took a bite of my sandwich, which lay in front of me.

We had lunch and sat in the cafeteria. I was not really present since I had to think of last night. The way he had looked at me, I could not get it out of my head. He seemed so hurt. Why was he hurt? He left me alone, not the other way around. I was torn from my thoughts when Simon came running up to us.

"Guys, we've got the rest of the day off because of the heat." he announced. Everyone breathed in relief. It was really hot. It was only a matter of time before the teachers could not stand it themselves.

"At home it is not necessarily cooler." whined Ragnor. He was right. My room was right under the roof so it was warmer than anywhere else.

"How about if we just go to the lake today? At least we can cool off there." Cat suggested. Everyone seemed enthusiastic about the idea. Even though I was not really in the mood, I wanted to distract myself.

"Besides, we can grill there, too." Noah said, putting his arm around me again. I smiled gently at him and nodded.

"Good point, we should go right away, otherwise we will not get a good place." Cat said. I looked at her in confusion.

"And where exactly should we get our swimwear?" I asked in confusion. Cat rolled her eyes with a grin.

"Don't you wear underwear or what? It's almost the same." she explained. Well, if she said so. We packed our things and got on our way. Fortunately the way was not so far, but because of the heat it felt infinite. Noah walked next to me and took my hand. I allowed it and he gave me a smile. Why couldn't I just forget Alexander? It would be so much easier.

Maybe the day at the lake would be good for me. I definitely would have enough distraction. It would be nice to have fun again. About 20 minutes later we arrived at the lake. So far, not many were there. That would certainly change.

Cat took us to a shady spot next to the shore and spread a large blanket. I looked at her in surprise. Where did she get that from?

"Do not look at me like that, it's been in my locker since winter, you know how cold our school is." she defended herself as if she could read my thoughts. I shrugged my shoulders and pulled off my shirt. It was too hot for the financier. Noah watched me and grinned.

"Is something wrong?" I asked him. He only shook his head.

"You look great." He said and also took off his T-shirt. He had sixpack. He actually looked great too.

"You do not look bad either." I said and he rolled his eyes laughing. We sat down and stared at the water.

"Well, I do not know how you feel, but I'm starving." Ragnor said. I smiled at him.

"Haven't we had a meal before?" I asked and he looked at me in surprise.

"That little sandwich? You do not mean that." he said horrified. I laughed. He was somehow right. I was definitely not satisfied.

"Good that you have me." Simon said, holding meat in his hand. Simon wanted to go get some food because there was a supermarket next to the lake. You would have to grill it, but there was a community barbecue here.

"Our Savior in Need." Cat said ironically and everyone laughed. "Let's hope the grill is not completely occupied." She said. We got up and started on our way. We left our things there. We only took our valuables such as mobile phone and money.

When we got there, we saw that people were already sitting there. Not just any people. Of course it had to be the Lightwoods. Alec was sitting there as well. He did not look really motivated. Probably Izzy had brought him here. When he saw me, he tensed immediately.

"Simon!" Izzy screamed when she saw him. "As I see, you also wanted to eat something. You are welcome to sit down." She said. Oh no. Simon first looked at me and gave me a questioning look. Then he turned back to Izzy.

"I do not think that's a good idea." he said. I thought for a moment. I did not want to be the one to ruin the mood. It would definitely be a bad mood if we did not get anything to eat. I took a deep breath.

"Why not? Let's just sit down." I said and put on a smile. Of course I did not really feel like sitting with Alec, but I do not have to pay attention to him. Noah looked at me confused.

"Um, okay?" Simon replied confused. Izzy smiled contentedly and made room for us. Before I sat down, Noah held me back by the hand.

"Are you sure?" he asked worriedly. I only nodded. I would hopefully survive. Noah nodded and we kept going. I sat down and of course only there was only space in the opposite of Alec. Great. Why always me? Noah put an arm around me as usual. I looked up to see Alec jealously watching us. Why should he be jealous? Simon put the meat on the grill, but the others gave us a little bit off as well.

"Since when are you here? I've never seen you on this lake before." Cat said now. Izzy swallowed the food.

"Normally we're on the other lake, but it's currently closed." she explained. I ate my food, but noticed that Alec was watching me all the time. I felt uncomfortable, but then I enjoyed his looks. I missed those. Immediately, I shook the thought out of my head. I had to stop thinking of something stupid like that.

"Since when are you back and why, Alec?" Raph asked, after everyone ate. I looked at him in surprise. Alec also seemed surprised by the question. He did not ask in a mean way, but rather interested.

"Since Sunday night." he replied curtly. He did not seem very talkative. Before he left he got on well with Raph.

"Oh, and why?" he asked again. He did not really seem to want to answer the question. He looked at me and I looked at him. Our eyes met. I felt that warmth in me as we looked each other in the eye. We held long eye contact until Noah cleared his throat.

"Those who are in the water last must clean up." he shouted, pushing me lightly. I looked at him overwhelmed until I understood what it was about. Since almost everyone got up quickly, I got up quickly. We all ran to the water and laughed. I jumped in the water. At least I was not the last one. When I reappeared, I looked to the table. Everyone was in the water, only Alec sitting there looking at me.

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