Chapter 69

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Good evening! I got the worst headache but still finished this chapter for you.
We just hit the 40k!! Thank you guys so much. I can't believe that! I i 

Magnus POV

Alec and I sat in my car together. In the trunk and in the back seat were a few boxes full of Alec's things. I didn't think that Alec owns so many things, after all, his hut was not big. We were just on the way to his apartment and I am glad that it is not very far away from me. So I wouldn't have to walk through the city anymore.

Alec seems to be happy because he was smiling all the time. The thing with his brother, of course, still makes it difficult for him, but we're working on it. I see sometimes that Alec has the urge to take drugs, because his hand trembles a bit, but we can do that too.

Max's funeral is in two days and I think Alec is pretty nervous. After all, he has not seen his family for a long time. I would be nervous too, and to be honest I am. After I messed with Robert, I don't really want to see him again, but I'll go with Alec. He just needs me.

I stopped the car and got out. We both took a box and together we entered his apartment. It was big and modern. Alec looked around in surprise. I grinned at him.

"Welcome Home." I said and put the box down. He did likewise and walked around.

"Magnus that's incredible!" he said and stopped. He looked at me and grinned at me. I approached him and put my arms around his waist.

"Just like you." I said and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He smiled widely. He doesn't seem to believe it. I haven't been here for a long time but I knew it was modern and beautiful. I've often wondered if I should just move in here to get away from my father, but that would be unnecessary, because he's never there anyway.

"I would suggest that I spend my first night here today, and you too." he said. I smiled and nodded.

"I was hoping you would say that." I admitted and he grinned. I broke away from him and together we started to bring in the remaining boxes.

I helped him unpack it and slowly the apartment looked a lot more personal. I reached into a box and pulled out a picture frame. I looked at it and noticed that it was a picture of me and Alec. Smiling, I turned to him.

"Where should I put this?" I asked and he smiled at me as he saw the picture.

"Somewhere I can always look at it." he said. I put it on a commode in the living room. Again I looked at it until I got a message. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and looked. It was an unknown number.

"Hello, Magnus, I would like to meet you at the cafe at 2 pm. I'll tell you everything when you're there, but it's important. It's about Alec. -M" The person wrote.

M? I thought about it. Did I know anyone with M? Not as far as I know. I looked at the clock, it was 15 minutes before 2 pm. If it weren't for Alec, I would ignore the message, but what if it is very important.

"Everything's okay with you?" Alec asked, pulling me out of my thoughts. Startled, I turn around and put my phone away.

"Um, yeah I'm alright, I have to go, Cat needs me. Can you handle the rest alone?" I asked. I lied to him and I felt bad for it, but I didn't know if I'm allowed to say something. I didn't even know what it was about.

"Yeah, come back later, I'll cook something." he said. I smiled at him and nodded. I approached him and gave him a kiss before leaving the apartment.

I got in my car and drove to the cafe. Good that there is only one here. When I arrived, I entered it and looked around. There were many people here, but a woman got up and beckoned to her. I was surprised when I saw her. It was Maryse. I expected her the least. Hesitating, I approached her and sat down opposite her.

"Magnus, I'm glad you came." she said. Why the hell would Alec's mother want to talk to me?

"What is so urgent, Maryse?" I asked in confusion. She looked at me seriously and sat upright.

"I want to talk to you about Alec." she admitted. That's what I thought. "How is he, is he still looking like he was?" she asked. I looked at her in confusion.

"He's doing better and I don't know exactly what he looked like back then, I've only known him for about two years." I admitted. She nodded.

"Have you been together for two years?" she asked. I shook my head.

"No, it's complicated, we broke up in between and then he left for a year and when it came back, it took a while to get it working again." I admitted. "But why do you ask me and not him?" I asked. She sighed.

"Because he hates me." she said. Doesn't sh do that too? I mean, it did not seem like she loved him.

"You threw him out when he was young, I can not blame him." I admitted, but I wasn't unfriendly.

"I know, but I never wanted that, I'd like to explain it all to him, but I don't think he wants that." she admitted. She's probably right.

"And why do you need me now?" I asked. I'm not Alexander, so what's she up to?

"I wanted to ask you if you could get Alec to talk to me." she answered. Oh no, we already had that.

"Oh no, no, I tried that before, and in the end we had a fight. I don't want to mess it up again, I told him, I'm staying out." I explained. I don't want to argue with Alec again. Who knows what would happen this time.

"Please, Magnus, I understand you, but Alexander is my son and I just have to explain everything to him. If he still hates me then that's his business." she sighed. Great. "I have already lost a son, I don't want to lose him forever too." she added. I sighed. Do I have a choice?

"Okay, I'll try but as soon as he gets angry I'll leave it. I don't want to lose Alexander either." I said. She nodded and thanked me. We said goodbye and I went back home. Let's hope that everything goes well.

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