Chapter 13

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The school day was the same as always. Luckily, the last two hours were canceled and I was able to go home sooner. My friends were traveling by bus, but I decided to go. It was a nice day and I could always think well when I walk.

I feel like my friends, especially Ragnor, are beginning to realize that something is wrong. I became quieter. I just thought a lot more, though I was usually the one who always talks.

When I got home, I threw my bag in the corner and went to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and stared straight into it. I do not really have anything special, just finished products. I took one and put it in the microwave.

While my food got warm, I took my homework and started to do it. It was just physics homework, so it was not hard. However, I could only do one task, then my meal was already done. I took it out of the microwave and ate it by the way.

After 20 minutes I was still not finished with the homework. It was more difficult than expected. I looked up in annoyance when the doorbell rang. I got up and opened the door.

At first I was confused when I saw Alec, because I completely forgot our meeting. I gave a sigh of relief and indicated that he could come in. He entered my house and came to the kitchen as well.

"Are you all right? You look exhausted." he said. I sat back at the table and  shored my head with my hand. Alec, however, leaned against the counter and looked at me with folded arms.

"Yes, I'm just doing my homework." I answered. He nodded and remained silent. I looked at him but he looked down.

"Who is this boy you talked to today?" he asked. He did not raise his eyes.

"Noah." I answered curtly. He just nodded again.

"What did he want from you?" He asked. I looked at him in confusion. Why did he ask me about Noah?

"Why are you interested? You are not my boyfriend." I answered coldly. Now he looked into my face and took a deep breath.

"Listen, I'm sorry what I said, I did not mean it that way" he started to explain.

"But?" I asked.

"It's just.. I got mad fast  because... I took some drugs, I did not want to let it out on you, I'm sorry. I'm just scared we'll move too fast and I mess it up with you." he explained. Now I understood why he got angry so fast. I got up and took his hands.

"Alexander, you will not lose me so fast. I promise you, but if that should work, you have to stop using the drugs. You are so important to me and I will not just watch you hurt yourself." I answered. He nodded and looked me in my eyes.

"Magnus? Do you want to be my boyfriend? I swear I'll give you everything I can, I'll keep you close to me but I'll learn to let you go, I promise, I'll do better." he said and I started to smile.

"I would love to be your boyfriend." I answered and Alec breathed in relief. He put his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. He put his lips on mine and gave me a gentle kiss.

I felt so good in his presence. I finally felt good enough. It was good to have someone who really cares about me. He let go of me and smiled at me.

"So .. do you need help with physics?" he asked, looking at my homework. I laughed softly and sat down again.

"I'm a class above you, you will not understand." I answered. He also laughed softly and sat down next to me.

"Physics is my best subject, I'll see what I can do for you." he said and took my notebook. He read it carefully and began to write.

"And what exactly are you writing now?" I asked with a grin.

"It's not difficult, you just have to find out the atomic number." He explained to me and filled out the tasks.

"Do you have any homework you do not understand?" I asked and he nodded.

"Apart from the fact that I'm generally a rivet in school, German is definitely my weakest subject." he said. I was good at German, so I decided to take his backpack and get his german book out.

"You do not have to do my homework" he said and I shook my head.

"Neither need you, but you do it anyway, so I'll do it." I answered and started to write. The fact that he is a class below me did make it easy for me. I finished his German homework and he did my physics homework.

"Are you hungry?" I asked him, as I had no idea if he had eaten at all. He shook his head.

"Do not worry, I'm used to not eating anything for some time." he answered. I got up and opened my fridge.

"But since I'm your boyfriend now, I have to make sure you're okay." I answered and Alec laughed softly. He got up and came to me.

"You know, I like that." He said and I turned to him.

"You like what?" I asked. He took hold of my waist again and pulled me closer again.

"I like it when you call yourself my boyfriend. It makes me feel proud, like I did the one right thing in my life." He explained and my heart warmed. That was the cutest thing anyone had ever said to me.

"You are adorable, Alexander Lightwood." I answered and he smiled.

"Will you stay here again tonight?" I asked him. He let go of me.

"No, it's okay, I do not want to overburden you." he said and I shook my head perplexed.

"There is no world where you are ever a burden, I insist that you stay here." I explained and he nodded, smiling.

He grabbed me by the sweater and pulled me close. He pressed his lips to mine and at first it was just a gentle kiss, but then he got stormy. I put my hands on his cheeks and pulled him with me into the bedroom.

We did not really interrupt the kiss on the way. It was not until we were in the bedroom. I stopped the kiss to take off my T-shirt. I also took off my Jean and dropped into bed

Alec stood in front of the bed and looked at me greedily. He licked his lips and then also took off his T-shirt. He laid on me and our lips met again ...

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