Chapter 65

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Magnus POV

I sat in the bus and looked outside. It's been three days since Max died. Since then, I've been with Alec all the time. I tried to be there for him. I can't say exactly how he is doing now. He seems to feel better, but not necessarily much. I don't know what to do.

Alec said he would like to have some time for himself and I'll give him that. That's why I was on my way to Isabelle and Jace. I just wanted to check on them. I don't want to imagine what they are going through. Alec might be close to Max, but the two were like his parents.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and searched for Simon's contact. I dialed his number.

"Hey, Magnus, what's up?" he greeted me. I knew he was there for Isabelle the last days.

"Hey, Simon, how's Isabelle and the others?" I wanted to know. He sighed.

"Pretty bad, I tried to be there for them, but it does'nt seem to help much." I explained. That's what I thought. "And what about Alec? I called him, but he didn't answer." asked he. Now I was the one who sighed.

"Same as Izzy, I just wish I could help him." I admitted. "I'm on my way to Izzy and Jace right now." I meant.

"I don't think you can do much, but it's nice that you try it." he said. Even though I and Alec's siblings were never close, at least I wanted to see if they could handle it. It's the least I can do.

"I have to hang up now, I'll be there soon." I said. We said goodbye and I hung up. When the bus arrived, I got out. I went a little way until I arrived at the house of Lightwoods. Nervously, I knocked on the door. It was Jace who opened the door. He looked at me in surprise.

"Magnus? What are you doing here?" he asked in confusion. He looked pretty exhausted and I can not blame him.

"I wanted to see you. Can I come in?" I asked. He nodded hesitantly and then took a step to the side. I entered and he closed the door behind me.

"Where is Isabelle?" I asked.

"She's been in her room for three days, I'll tell her you're here, maybe she'll come out." he said. I nodded thankfully and he went to her room. I stayed where I was.

After two minutes, Jace came with Isabelle back. She didn't look good. Her eyes were red from crying, and her hair was a mess. She looked at me confused.

"What are you doing here?" she asked in a rough voice. I approached her and hugged her. Hesitating, she returned the hug. She hugged me tightly, seeming as if she needed it. I let her go and took a step back.

"I wanted to see you, I wanted to know if you could handle it." I admitted. She looked down and shook her head.

"That's nice, but no, we can't really handle it." she admitted. I sighed, I thought so. "Come on, let's sit down at the table." She said. I nodded and followed her into the dining room. Together we sat down at the table.

"How is Alec and why are you not with him?" Jace asked worriedly.

"He wanted time for himself and I give him that." I explained. Jace nodded. "He's not feeling well." I admitted.

"That's all my fault." Izzy sobbed. I put my hand on hers.

"No, Isabelle stop, it's not your fault." I tried to calm her down. She pulled her hand away and shook her head.

"Yes, Magnus, I drove the car. I was the one who made the accident, I survived and Max ..." she said, but she could not finish the sentence. Jace hugged her.

"You couldn't know, no one could. No one could have prevented it." I explained. Again she shook her head. I sighed. "Back when my mother killed herself, I blamed myself for so long." I admitted and now she became attentive. I never really like to tell, but I think it might help in this case.

"Your mother is dead?" she asked. I nodded.

"She took her life when I was eight, I blamed myself for so long, I thought if I had done something better, she might still be here." I told them. She looked at me sympathetically.

"That was not your fault, Magnus." she said sympathetically. I nodded again.

"That's what I saw after some time, and it's not your fault either - you can not blame anyone and you can not change fate." I meant. "You're suffering and you just make it harder for yourself, the same goes for you, Jace." I said. Izzy looked at Jace and then wiped away the tears. Maybe it really helped a little bit.

"I just miss him a lot." she said softly.

"Me too, Iz." said Jace. I looked at them sympathetically.

"It's getting easier, never easy, but easier. Just be there for each other." I told them. Izzy gave me a small smile.

"Thank you, Magnus. Also that you are here for our brother, he can be glad to have you." she said. I nodded and got up. I hugged them and Jace also thanked me. When we parted again, two people entered the room. A woman and a man, about middle-aged. The woman had short brown hair and the man a bald head.

"Excuse me, but who are you?" asked the lady.

"Mom, Dad, that's Magnus." said Isabelle. Mom? Dad? So these are Alec's parents?

"Can't he introduce himself?" the woman asked unfriendly. Wow, no wonder her kids are not a fan of her. I approached her and handed her my hand.

"My name is Magnus Bane and I am pleased to meet you." I said politely. She looked at me pejoratively, but at least shook my hand.

"I am Maryse, and this is my husband Robert." she said seriously. She did not even smile a bit. I mean, I can not blame her, she lost one of her kids, but I feel like she's always like that.

"I'm terribly sorry for your loss, Mrs. and Mr. Lightwood." I said sympathetically. The two showed no reaction.

"How do you know my children?" she asked in a rather unfriendly tone. Excessive, I looked to Isabelle and Jace, because I didn't know if I should mention him.

"He's Alec's boyfriend, Mom." Jace replied. Immediately I noticed the change in her expressions. Maryse seemed surprised and Robert looked at me as if I was something disgusting.

"How is Alec?" Maryse asked.

"I try my best to cheer him up." I said and she nodded.

"You can tell him that he can show up here if he dares." his father said derogatory. I looked at him in surprise. Was he serious? Maryse gave him a reproachful look, but Robert ignored it. "Not even after the death of his brother, he thinks of apologizing to us." he said and walked past me. Anger rose in me.

"I can't blame him." I said, rather rude. He turned and looked at me angrily.

"Pardon?" asked he.

"He told me how you treated him and I suggested that he should talk to you, but now I know why he didn't want to. He's still your son and you treat him like he's not part of this family. " I defended Alexander.

"He isn't, he's destroying the name Lightwood. He's taking drugs, he's out in the streets at night, and most of all he's gay, how is the name going to last?" his father snapped at me. Who would have thought that I would argue with Alec's father.

"That was him. You made him that way. I brought him out there again!" I snapped. Alec used drugs again, but that would not be good to mention now. "Then he's gay, so what? He's still a wonderful and loving man." I said loudly. Robert glared at me angrily while the others watched in surprise.

"I want you to go now!" he snapped. I took a deep breath and looked briefly at Isabelle and Jace. Then I turned around and wanted to leave. Shortly before that I stopped.

"It was nice to meet you." I said with an arrogant smile and left the house. That was a nice first meeting with my maybe future parents-in-law.

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