Chapter 36

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850 votes! Thank you, so here is another bonus-chapter. I hope you like the idea with the bonus-chapters. I can't guarantee that I will always upload it immediately, but I only have three exams anymore and than I'm done and I can focus on my stories again. Enjoy the chapter <3

Alecs POV

Another night without sleep has passed. Magnus had a nightmare that night, too. I was awake again to wake him up. I think I'm getting less sleep now than he is. I'm worried about him. Since he hallucinated from his mother, the memories came back and he dreamed of it.

I did not know how to help him. I can‚t do more than hold him and tell him that I'm here. Luckily I can at least reassure him. I just wish it would stop and he will be fine. I myself was exhausted too, but I would not admit that. I do not want Magnus to think he's a burden to me.

Together we sat at the table and ate breakfast. It was early, but Magnus could not sleep anymore so I got up too. We cooked breakfast together to bring normality into our lives.

"I think you should sleep at your place tonight." Magnus said, interrupting the silence. Confused, I looked at him.

"Why? Did I do something wrong?" I asked confused and he shook his head.

"No, not at all, but you need some sleep again." he said, staring at the table. He felt guilty because of my exhaustion.

"Magnus, it's okay, I'm fine." I answered. He did not look up.

"You always say that, but I know that's not easy, I just do not want to burden you, so please do me the favor and sleep at home, just one night." he asked me. I sighed and sat back.

"And I should leave you alone? I can not do that, Mags. " I said. "I only do it if at least the others stay overnight with you." I suggested, and now he looked up.

"If I invite the others, will you sleep at home?" he asked and I nodded. "Okay, then I have to warn the others." he said with a smile. This also made me smile. Magnus had a hard time at the moment, so he did not laugh much. How much I miss this smile.

Together we were on the way to school. We rode the bus because it was raining. When we arrived we immediately met our friends and Magnus let them know. I still did not quite agree, but I knew that Magnus did not want me to stay awake one more night.

The school day passed quite fast, as we only had 7 lessons. I waited in front of the school to say goodbye to Magnus. After 5 minutes, he came with Cat, Rag, Raph and Simon out of school.He came up to me smiling and put his arms around my waist to pull me closer.

"I will miss you." he said smiling.

"Are you sure I should go? I can stay with you, that's no problem." I said, he shook his head.

„I want you to rest, the others are with me anyway and if there's anything, I can still call you." he said. I nodded and pulled him into a kiss. It has been a long time since we slept separately.

"Take good care of him." I ordered the other after Magnus gave his lips away. Now he let go of me completely and went to the others.

"Yes sir." Simon said jokingly. I laughed and said goodbye to Simon with a handshake. Magnus smiled at me until they turned and left. Sighing and alone, I sat in the bus and drove home. I have not been home for a long time, as I spent most of my time with Magnus. About 20 minutes later, I arrived at my home. I threw the key on the table and dropped onto the sofa. It was quiet and I somehow felt lonely. Now, my eyes slowly closed. I fell asleep on my sofa as I sat.

I was awakened by a loud knock. I jumped up and looked around. I looked at the clock. I had slept for five hours and felt a lot more awake. Again there was a loud knock on my door. Annoyed, I got up and walked to the door.

When I opened it, an unknown guy was standing at my door. Confused, I looked at him, because he just grinned at me fiddly. Before I could say anything, he pushed me aside to gain entry.

"Excuse me, can I ask what you want here?" I said and again he grinned at me.

"Alec Lightwood, what a pleasure to talk to you personally." he answered. Confused, I looked at him. How did he know my name?

"Who are you?" I asked in confusion.

"I'm sure you've seen me before. I recently met your boyfriend the other day, and it was not really smart to give the drink to a stranger. " He explained and now it recognized him again. That was the guy I saw at the gate when I took Magnus home. He was the one who gave the drugs to Magnus. In anger, I approached him and pressed him to the wall. How dare he even to look at Magnus. He just laughed. What kind of psycho games was that? I pulled out to punch him.

"I would not do that if I were you." he said and I stopped my hand. Angry, I looked at him. "Let me go or I'll see to it that Magnus is not just given drugs." he threatened me. I wanted to hit him in the face, but I did not want to risk it, so I let him go.

"What do you want and who the hell are you?" I yelled at him. Again he had put on this grin.

"I want revenge. I am Jonathan, you may not know me, but I know you too well." he explained. I tried to remember who he was, but I had no idea.

"What do you mean?" I asked in confusion.

"Three years ago, you and your friends went home from one of your trips, you were drunk and then there was this thing on the road, remember?" he said. His grin faded and now he looked angry at me. He meant the accident.

"You hit her with the car, you took her out of my life and you fucking bastards survived but she didn't." he explained. I remember. I was in the car, but I fainted immediately, so I did not get anything.

"That was not our fault, the traffic light was red and she went over anyway." I said and I saw how he became even more angry. It was true, the driver was a little tipsy, but he had not done anything wrong.

"Don't talk yourself out, you took everything I loved and now I want to do the same thing to you." he said and I froze. Was he threatening me to do something to Magnus? I swallowed.

"If you even touch Magnus, I swear-"

"I will do nothing to Magnus as long as you do what I tell you." he interrupted me. I was a little relieved that I could at least do something.

"What do you want me to do?" I asked. I was scared because I did not know what he was capable of. Maybe that was just the beginning at the party. He grinned again.

"End your relationship, and leave the city." he said. My heart stopped. Is he for real?

"Wha- Why?" I asked.

"It's gonna be painful for you and for him. I want you to suffer, as I did." he said. That can't be real. Why can't I just live a normal life? "Break his heart, to save his life." he added.

"He won't let that happen." I said and swallowed.

"He doesn't have to know about me. Tell him, that you stopped loving him and he will let you go." he said. This felt so unreal. I couldn't imagine leaving Magnus, but still it felt like the only option. "And if you call the police, I can't guarantee for anything." he added. I said nothing, just stood there and looked at him.

"You have three days." he said and left my house. Now it's up to me.

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