Chapter 4

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When I looked into his beautiful eyes, I felt a warm feeling in my stomach. Why was this feeling there? "I'm sorry, you don't deserve this." he apologized to me.

"It's not your fault, that's what you get for getting involved in other peoples business." I told him with a small smile to assure him I wasn't mad at him. I mean, I hated that this happened to me because after all I just wanted to help but Alec couldn't have known.

"No, you helped me, even though you don't really know me and now you're in danger because of me, I should have known better and warned you before." He said and lowered his eyes to the bottom. His eyes were red, maybe he was tired, or he took drugs or he cried.

"You were the one who saved me, and without you, I might still be lifeless in some alley." I told him. Alexander really felt guilty which surprised me since I thought he wouldn't care about anything.
"Where am I here anyway?" I asked him, as I was still in an old hut.

"I used to come here when I had a fight with my parents, but it has been my home for some time now." he explained. I looked at him questionably because I thought that someone couldn't live here. Nevertheless, I only nodded and didn't ask any more, as it doesn't really concern me either.

"Why were you even in town when the guy beat me up?" I asked him.

"You are curious." he said with a smile. That was the first time I ever saw him smile, at least a little. I like it when he laughs. He looked good. "I'm often in the city around that time, but I was too late tonight." he answered and looked at me seriously again.

"At least you were there, I don't want to imagine what would have happened if you hadn't been there, thank you .. honestly," I said, grabbing his hand, which was lying on the bed.

He looked at me in the eyes and then at our hand. He pulled it away and got up. He was visibly uncomfortable and I immediately felt sorry. I shouldn't have done this. Why did I anyway?

"Get some rest and take the painkillers. Call me if you need me." he said and then left the room. I looked to my left and noticed the pills there's Yes, painkillers would be amazing right now, I thought so I swallowed the pill and lay back. I was still in pain everywhere. I didn't know what to think about Alexander. He has a soft side but for whatever reason he didn't show it. I just didn't know if it was up to me or if it just didn't show it to anyone at all.

I closed my eyes and tried to sleep. I felt safe here because I knew Alec is here. I slept rather restlessly as I felt pain as soon as I moved. At some point I finally woke up. I slept about three hours. I sat up and tried to get up. It was painful but bearable.

That's when I first realized that I wore other clothes. I had a black sweater on but fortunately still my pants. I walked slowly out of the room and looked around. I could not see Alexander anywhere, which worried me a bit. I had no idea where I was, and certainly not how to get home.

The cabin was small but still looked cozy. I was startled when I suddenly heard the door behind me. I turned around quickly and sighed in pain as it was way too jerky.

"Hey, everything's fine, it's just me." he said, approaching me to hold me. "Sorry I did not mean to scare you," he added.

"Not bad, I'm fine," I answered, sitting down on the couch. He smiled a little and I smiled back. He set a bag on the table and put two plates in it.

"It's already afternoon but I still got breakfast." He said and sat next to me. I nodded and took a roll from the bag. We both ate and did not really talk.

"Where is my sweater?" I asked him then to break the silence.

"Your sweater was full of blood, so I gave you one of mine, I hope that does not bother you." he answered and I thought about Alec having changed my clothes as well.

"Why did not I wake up when you changed my things, it must have been painful." I asked him and he shrugged.

"I wanted to check your upper body anyways." he said and I gave him an incredibly look. "Oh no, I meant for the injuries," he added to hedge himself. I nodded and continued eating.

"Is it far from here to home?" I asked him, since I would have to go back home sometime.

"Not really, but it's getting dark soon so you can sleep here if you want" he offered and I smiled at him.

"It's fine, you've already done enough for me." I answered gently.

„It's up to you to stay or walk, but if you leave I'll go with you, there's no chance you'll go out there by yourself at this time. " he said and I smiled softly.

"Thanks for your offer but I think I'd rather go home." I answered. He nodded and stood up. I was also just slowing down a bit. I went back to the room where I woke up and packed my things together.

We made our way home and Alec looked around nervously all the time. He threw every clique we encountered a threatening look. We walked about 20 minutes until we stood in front of my house. The lights were off, as well in my dad's study which told me he was gone.

"Listen, please promise me you're not going out to town alone at this time, it's just too dangerous for you right now and I do not want anything to happen to you." he said and looked me in the eyes.

"Why are you taking care of me? I mean, you do not really like me." I asked him. This has been my mind all the time. We did not like each other all those years, we never had anything to do with each other, and although I was certain a few days ago that he was a bad person, he is important to me now.

"I do not know, you just matter to me." he whispered and I looked him in the eye. I smiled softly and step forward to hug him. Alexander did not know how to react to it and returned it hesitantly. I felt comfortable and safe in his arms. I stepped back and he smiled at him.

"Good night, Alexander. Take care of yourself when you go home." I said and went to my front door.

"Good night," he answered and left. I went to my house and I went right to sleep, I was so exhausted. I did not know what I should feel towards Alexander. He was important to me and I liked him but I did not know if that was such a good idea.

You don't know meजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें