Chapter 78

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Basically my phone died and I don't know when I will get my new one so I have upload it from my laptop and that is weird lmao. The last time I did this, it didn't work so if you read this, it worked hihi. 


Magnus POV

I stood in the kitchen and prepared a delicious lunch. It was just after 2 p.m. and soon my friends would come. Alexander and I invited them because we didn't want to lose contact. After all, we won't go to the same school any more, it will be a bit difficult to keep the contact.

It is always said that you will meet often and everything remains the same as then, but who are we kidding? Of course, things are changing, after all, we saw each other every day, even if we didn't want to. But as there are holiddays anyway we can use the time.

I have been living with Alexander for four days now and I can't complain. He treats me well and in that sense we don't spend more time together than before. I just enjoy it because it makes me feel good. He loves me and that's the most important thing.

I startled when I felt hands on my body. It was Alexander who hugged me from behind. Gently he kissed my neck, which elicited a satisfied sigh. Meanwhile, I kept stirring the sauce.

"It smells great." he said as he continued to give me gentle kisses.

"We want to impress my friends." I answered. He propped his head against my shoulder and watched what I did. "I haven't told them yet that I moved in with you." I admitted.

"Then it will be time." he said and I nodded. "It feels like we tell them we're engaged." he said and I laughed.

"It's almost the same." I answered. He also laughed and let go of me. He started to set the table, because they should be there in a few minutes. I think they were a bit confused anyway, that they had to go to this address and not to my house.

Shortly after, the doorbell rang. I turned off the stove and went to the door to open it. They were all here. Noah, Catarina, Raphael, Simon and Ragnor. I greeted each one warmly and invited them in. They got rid of their shoes.

"It smells delicious here." Catarina raved. I smiled. Now I just hoped that the food tastes good too.

"And this apartment looks great too." Noah said. He was right. I wondered several times why I didn't spend more time here before. Together we went to the dining room where Alec was waiting. He also greeted everyone warmly and everyone took a seat.

"I'll go get the food." I said and disappeared into the kitchen. Alec followed me and helped me. I put the meat on a plate and the sauce remained in the pot. Alec took the dumplings. With the things we went back and distributed them fairly on the plates. Then we sat down. Of course, Alexander was sitting next to me. "Bon appetite!" I added and everyone started to eat.

"That tastes fantastic, Magnus." Cat said and everyone agreed. I nodded thankfully. "Where are we here?" she asked eagerly.

"Well that's Alec's apartment." I said and looked at Alexander. He took my hand, which was on the table.

"What Magnus means is that it's our apartment, we moved in together." he explained. Everyone looked at us in surprise.

"How come? And what happened to your hut? Or your house?" Noah asked. Oh yeah, they didn't know much lately.

"That's a longer story. In short: I thought Alec needed to get away from the hut because all those weird guys know where he lives, so he moved in here. When my dad found out, Alec and I got together he wanted me to move out or break up with Alec, so we moved together." I explained.

"Well then, I'm glad you took one of the first steps." said Raphael, holding up his glass of wine. Everyone did it too and we toasted. "To Alec and Magnus!" he said and the others repeated it. I smiled at Alec. At least there are a few people who don't want to destroy our relationship.

We talked for a long time and told us everything we missed. I left out some things, like Alec had a relapse, or my father beat me up, but that didn't matter. It was important that we are together now.

"You know, I'm proud of you." said Simon, who was a little bit tipsy, since he seems to have drunk a little too much wine. I smirked.

"What do you mean?" Alec asked.

"Well, you two are still a couple, after all you've been through. God, you've been through so much shit that you could write a book about it." he said. Alec smiled as well. "Anyway, everyone wants to have such a relationship. Now you guys just have t marry, because Melodie is almost your child." he lolled. I looked to Alec. It was nice to hear something like that. He leaned forward to kiss me and of course I returned him.

After another hour, my friends decided to say goodbye. We were all a bit tipsy, but especially Simon and Raphael. It was so hard to put on their shoes.

"Guys, that won't work. I'll take you to Cat and there you have a sleepover. " I said and grabbed my car key. Alec, however, took my hand and looked at me angrily.

"Are you insane? You don't drive a car when you're drunk." he said. I rolled my eyes annoyed.

"Babe, I'm not drunk, I only had a little wine and it's not a long way." I explained, but he didn't let go of my hand. "Come on, Simon and Raphael can barely walk. I'll be back soon and you can warm up the bed so long." I breathed in his ear. Slowly he let go of my hand and I grabbed the car key. He pulled me close and kissed me before I left.

I put everyone in the car and we drove off. It was already late so there wasn't a lot going on on the road. I brought everyone to Catarina and got them out there and of course nothing happened during the ride. I said goodbye to the others and drove on. I startled when my phone rang. It was Alexander, so I answered.

"Hey, I'll be home soon." I said to calm him down. It was cute how much he always cared about me.

"Good, I'm lying in bed, waiting for you." he said and I grinned.

"I'm looking forward to you." I answered. "By the way, I-" I started, but I didn't get any further, when I saw a car racing towards me. I was blinded by the headlights and despite my attempts I couldn't avoid it. Suddenly there was a loud crash and everything went black.

"Magnus, Magnus, are you okay? Magnus!"

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