Chapter 31

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Alecs POV

I stood in Magnus' kitchen and made ourselves something to eat. I liked to cook it, especially for Magnus. Since we did not have much at home, I made only noodle casserole. The casserole was in the oven so I covered the table.

Now that everyone knows that we are together, our relationship is much better. We no longer have to worry about people seeing us. I could show everyone how much I loved him and yes I did. More than anything else in this world. I have never felt so needed and loved.

As I set the table, I heard someone open the door. I was surprised, Magnus wanted to go shopping, so why was he home so early?

"Alexander?" Magnus called into the house.

"Here in the kitchen." I called back. Shortly thereafter, he was already in the doorway and looked at me. He smiled a little, but not as always.

"Hey, what are you doing here? I'm not an expert, but I think shopping normally takes longer." I asked in confusion. Magnus was still standing there.

"There is something that needs to be done." he said and I looked at him in confusion. Slowly he scared me.

"What are you talking about?" I asked in confusion.

"Don't be mad, but I brought someone with me." he said, stepping aside. Now two people came to him. Jace and Isabelle. I immediately tensed. It was clear that Magnus couldn't just leave it alone.

"Hey, Alec. Can we talk?" Jace asked. How long I had not heard his voice. I looked at Magnus, who nodded slowly. I took a deep breath and nodded as well.

"I'll go upstairs and leave you alone." said Magnus. Great. First he brings them here and then he leaves me alone. Together we sat down at the dining table. At first there was an unpleasant silence.

"So... we talked to Magnus an-"

"Why did you leave us?" Isabelle interrupted Jace. She looked me in the eyes and I felt this guilt in me.

"Mom and Dad did not want me at home anymore." I answered and Isabelle shook her head.

"I did not mean that, why did you stop talking to us?" she asked. I took a deep breath.

"Didn't Magnus tell you anyway?" I asked. He must have told them before, otherwise they would not have come along.

"I want to hear it from you." she said. She still looked straight into my eyes, it almost looked like she had tears in her eyes.

"I did that for you, didn't you notice how people talked about you? I wanted to spare you that." I admitted. At first I wondered if I should continue to deny it, but then I probably would have a problem with Magnus.

"Alec, you are our brother, that wasn't more important to us than you." Jace said now. I looked down. I could see the disappointment in their eyes and I couldn't stand that.

"I'm sorry, I let you down, I left you alone with Maryse and Robert, but I did it all because I thought I'd do the right thing, after all, you're now the school's favorite students." I admitted and looked up again. Meanwhile, a tear ran down Izzy's face. My heart hurt when I saw that.

"But we lost our brother for that." Isabelle sighed. It hurt to see her like that. That was not what I wanted.

"I thought you would get over me and forget me." I admitted and Isabelle shook her head.

"We've never gotten over you and we certainly have not forgotten you. You're my big brother and you'll always be. I do not care if I'm the biggest loser, family is more important, you're more important to me." she admitted, smiling softly at me. I was a little relieved when I heard that. I gave her a smile.

"So you do not hate me?" I asked carefully. To be honest, I was afraid of the answer, especially of Jaces.

"Of course not, I never have." Isabelle said and I nodded smiling. Now I looked at Jace, who looked at me seriously. I didn't have a good feeling. Suddenly he got up and looked at me. I also got up and prepared for the worst. For a moment we just stood there as he took a step towards me and hugged me. I hesitantly returned the hug.

"I could never hate you." he said, squeezing me harder. I was relieved. After all the mistakes I made, I had my family back.

Isabelle also got up and hugged us too. It feels good. How I missed that. I always loved my siblings and then I thought I had lost them. I was so glad to have them back.

We talked for a while, until they decided to go. I accompanied them to the door and at the same moment Magnus came down the stairs. Isabelle smiled at him.

"Are you going home?" he asked and Isabelle nodded.

"Mom and Dad are waiting for us." Jace said now and Magnus nodded friendly. Isabelle still smiled at Magnus as she hugged him. Confused, he returned the hug.

"Thank you, Magnus, our brother is lucky to have you." she whispered, but I understood. A smile formed on Magnus's lips. It was nice to see that.

Izzy let go of Magnus and they left the house. When they left, Magnus smiled at me and then walked into the living room. Silently, I followed him. He stood in front of the window and looked outside.

"Why did you do that?" I asked. Slowly he turned and smiled gently at me.

"Because they mean a lot to you, Alexander." he answered. "I did not want you to continue suffering." he added. I approached him and put my hands around his waist.

"As long as I have you, I do not suffer." I admitted. That was not even a lie. Sure, it did  hurt not to see my siblings anymore, but Magnus made me forget this pain.

"That's not the same, I know what it's like to have no family, I can not bring mine back, but at least I wanted to spare you that pain." he explained. His voice was sad and fragile.

"That may be just a little consolation, and it's different from your mother, but you have me and I will not go, I'm your family." I said. A smile formed on his lips. He approached me and kissed me gently. I pulled him closer and enjoyed this moment.

"Thank you for bringing my siblings here." I thanked him. He nodded, smiling. "I love you." I added.

"I love you too, Alexander." he replied with a smile. "What is that smell?" he asked now. My eyes widened.

"The casserole!!" I shouted loudly as I ran into the kitchen. Behind me, I just heard Magnus laugh.

You don't know meOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora