Chapter 79

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Alexander POV

"Magnus? Magnus, are you okay? Magnus!" I said worriedly and then the call broke off. No no no. I shivered and couldn't breathe. I knew it was a stupid idea to let him drive and I even called him. I was a jerk. Overwhelmed and frightened, I ran through the apartment.

What should I do? Dial the emergency call? I don't know where he was. Should I search for him? No, in that time, somebody else has dialed the emergency call and he'll be gone. Or what if he is dead? No, I can't think about that. Magnus is fine. It was just a small accident. Crap.

I ran my hands through my hair and tried to breathe normally again. Ok Alec, you have to think. What do you do? I just can't not do nothing. I picked up my phone and dialed the emergency call. What exactly I will say? I didn't know myself.

When a nice lady answered my call I told her the situation. She had told me that just a call came in because of a car accident and the ambulance is already on the way. It relieved me a little but somehow not, because that means it wasn't just a minor accident. At least one of them must be injured. I took my jacket and put on my shoes and started running.

The hospital was about a 20-minute walk from here, but since I was running I wouldn't need that much time. I had so much adrenaline. I felt fear in my whole body. I can't lose Magnus. Not him too. I've already lost Max to a car accident and I'm not going through that again.

That's all my fault. I let him drive and then I called him too. How can anyone be so stupid? I should have sat in this car and not him. He shouldn't suffer. I ran and ran and I felt no exhaustion. The most important thing was just Magnus. I had to get to him. When I first arrived, I realized how much I was out of breath, but I ignored it. I ran in and ran to the man at the information.

"How can I help you?" he asked and I had to try to breathe normally, so that he understands me at all. "Are you alright?" the man asked worriedly.

"Yes I'm fine." I replied, still out of breath. "I'm looking for my boyfriend, he just had an accident and I wanted to know if he had been admitted." I asked.

"What's his name?" asked he.

"Magnus Bane." I answered. The man typed something into his computer, probably looking for his name.

"I'm sorry, but so far no one came here under this name, but it's possible that they just didn't know his name or he will be admitted soon." he explained. I took a deep breath and rubbed my face with my hands. That can not be true. "Hey, it may also be that he isn't admitted, because he is fine." the man tried to comfort me.

"I'm waiting here." I said and the man nodded. I sat down on these chairs, which always stood in hospitals and waited. What if it was very bad. What if he died at the accident? Tears came to my eyes.

After another 10 minutes, three paramedics came in,with an injured one. I jumped up and looked around worried. Please don't let it be Magnus. I looked at the injured person and realized that it is not Magnus. The guy didn't look good tho.

Shortly after, another two paramedics came in. Again they had an injured one with them and I looked closely. My heart stopped. It was Magnus. I didn't recognize much, but I saw blood. Much blood. Doctors came who took him over.

"Initiate emergency surgery." he said. No no no. Everything went so fast and in the end, only the paramedics and a doctor were there. Magnus was taken away. I went to the doctor.

"Excuse me, what does he have? H-how bad is it?" I stammered, out of sheer fear.

"How do you relate to the patient?" the doctor asked.

"He's my boyfriend, I'm the closest one to him." I explained and the doctor nodded. He had this typical Doctor pokerface, so I couldn't interpret anything.

"Unfortunately, we can't tell you anything at the moment, but as soon as I know more, I will let you know." explained the doctor. Crap. I just nodded and the doctor left. I dropped onto the chair and took a deep breath.

Over time, my eyes got heavier and heavier. I didn't know how many hours I have been sitting here. I was so tired, as it was in the middle of the night, but I couldn't sleep. Not as long as I don't know what's wrong with Magnus. The worry ate me up. The memories of Max came back.

"You are still here." said a young lady. She had two coffees in her hand and smiled at me. I didn't know her, but maybe I was just too tired to recognize her. "Oh sorry, I'm Lois, I'm a nurse here. I saw you when your boyfriend was brought in and I noticed how tired you are, so I thought I would bring you a little refreshment." she explained and sat next to me. She offered me the coffee and I accepted it thankfully.

"I can't leave him alone." I answered, sipping the coffee. I immediately felt the caffeine in my body. "Do you know anything about Magnus?" I asked, but she shook her head. I thought so.

"I'm sorry, but that won't be communicated to you until after the operation." she explained. I sighed and sat back.

"Why not?" I asked nervously. This endless wait costs me my mind.

"Because his condition could change drastically anytime, it wouldn't make sense to give you information that can change every second." she explained. Okay, that made sense. "He will be fine." she said and smiled at me. I gave her a small smile, but she couldn't cheer me up either.

"By the way, I'm Alec." I said, since she also told me her name.

"I am pleased to meet you." she replied and I nodded. I averted my eyes and saw an older man in a white coat approaching us. Immediately, I jumped up.

"Good evening, I am Dr. Smith." he said, shaking my hand. I was so nervous.

"Alexander Lightwood." I answered and he nodded. Again he had this poker face.

"Mr. Lightwood, we have the most necessary information for you." he said. He said that with an undertone that scared me. I took a deep breath and prepared for the worst.

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