Chapter 81

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Thank you guys so much for 50.000 reads. This is amazing. I never thought I would get so many reads! I am very thankful! I love you!❤️☺️

Alexander POV

I sat next to Magnus's bed and looked at him. He slept peacefully and I was glad about that. So he can recover. I didn't sleep anymore because I just couldn't. I got up and wanted to leave the room, but stopped at a mirror. I looked terrible, but that didn't really interest me. I had dark shadows under my eyes and my hair was muddled.

Without thinking about it, I left the room. At least I had to walk a bit, because now everything hurt me because of the uncomfortable chair. I went to the machine to get a coffee. The coffee was the only thing that kept me sane right now, except for Magnus of course. I went up and down the hall to get a little bit more awake.

"How about sleep?" someone behind me said. I turned around and there stood Lois. I shrugged my shoulders. "You don't look very good." She said. Well, thank you, I thought.

"I know, but I can't sleep." I admitted. She looked at me sympathetically.

"Is he already awake?" she asked.

"He was, but then he fell asleep again." I explained and she nodded. "Shouldn't you go home sometime?" I asked.

"I had night shift and right now I'm working overtime, but I'm going home soon." she explained and I nodded. "I'll get back to work, good luck." She said. I nodded thankfully and she disappeared. I decided to go back.

When I walked in, I saw Magnus looking around in confusion. Did he forget again that he is in the hospital? I watched him in amusement and he smiled as he saw me.

"I thought you had gone home." he said. I smiled and sat back in the chair of pain.

"I won't let you alone." I answered. He smiled and stretched out his hand a little. I took it and stroked it. "How are you?" I asked.

"My head hurts a bit but I'm okay." he answered. "And you?" he asked, looking worried.

"I'm fine, don't worry." I explained. Before he could reply, someone opened the door. Catarina, Noah and Simon entered. They looked worriedly at Magnus.

"Oh Magnus." Cat said. Magnus chuckled to relax the mood.

"I'm fine, I just have a few scratches." he explained. Well, a few scratches is an understatement.

"A broken arm is a scratch for you?" Noah asked. Magnus shrugged, at least as well as he could. The others also took chairs and sat down.

They started to talk. They didn't really talk about the accident, but about normal topics. Maybe it was better that way. So Magnus wouldn't have to think about it, after all, it's not nice to experience such a thing.

I stayed quiet most of the time and now and then my eyes dropped for a moment. The whole time I held Magnus's hand and it didn't seem to bother me.

"So Simon, how are things going with Isabelle?" Magnus asked. Simon grinned. That would interest me too.

"Good, I love her, though sometimes she can be exhausting." he explained. I know Simon pretty well and I'm glad that Isabelle has him and not some macho.

"Yes, that's the way it is with the Lightwoods." Magnus said with a grin. I looked at him in surprise. If he wasn't hurt, I would box him.

"I just pretend I didn't hear that." I answered. Magnus laughed and the others too.

"What is with the prom now, can you go there?" Noah asked. That's right, I didn't think about that. Of course, I would be happy to go there with Magnus, but if he can't because of his injuries, that's okay too. His health occurs.

"The prom is in two weeks, so I have enough time to recover." he said and smiled at me. "Where are Ragnor and Raphael?" Magnus asked.

„Ragnor is not doing well, he really wanted to go, but I said he should stay in bed and Raphael had a family emergency but they'll visit you soon." Cat explained. Magnus nodded, smiling. Maybe it was good if not so many people were there.

They talked for a while, until at some point they decided to say goodbye. I got up and hugged everyone, even Noah. We get along pretty well now. They left the room and I sat down again to Magnus. It was now afternoon. Magnus had got his food in the room, but I had not eaten anything. I didn't really want to eat.

"Are you tired?" I asked Magnus. He looked a little exhausted. He shook his head.

"Not as much as you." he answered. I shrugged my shoulders.

"I'm not tired." I lied. Of course I was tired, but why does that matter? I could make up the sleep again.

"Don't lie to me, did you even sleep at all?" asked he. He looked at me seriously and I shook my head. He sighed. "Go home, Alec. Sleep a bit, I'll be fine." he said and again I shook my head.

"I stay with you." I replied stubbornly. What if something gets worse with him while I'm gone? I wouldn't risk that. He sighed and slid sideways. I looked at him in confusion. "What are you doing?" He sighed, because it is painful to move for him.

"Lay down with me." he said. I looked at him in surprise. "So you get your sleep and you are close to me." he said.

"Is that even allowed? What if I hurt you?" I asked. Magnus rolled his eyes with a grin and pulled me closer by the hand.

"I survived the accident, then I won't die if you lie with me." he answered. "Come on, I miss you." he said. I sighed and took off my shoes. I lay down next to him and cuddled up to him carefully. He sighed softly.

"I'm sorry." I said. He stroked my head with his hand and I stroked over his belly.

"It's okay." he answered. I noticed my eyes getting heavier and heavier until they ended up closing in the end. "I love you, Alexander." I heard Magnus whisper, before I fell asleep completely.

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