Chapter 29

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I woke up as I felt a hand stroking my back. Slowly, I opened my eyes. I lay on Alec's chest and he had his arm wrapped around me. I gave a satisfied murmur of mine. I could wake up like that every morning. I looked up at Alec, who gave me a soft smile. I smiled back and he kissed my forehead.

"Good morning," I murmured softly.

"Good morning, love. Did you sleep well?" he asked me. "My bed is not the biggest and the most comfortable." he added.

"As long as you're with me, I'll sleep well anyway." I answered and he smiled. "What time is it?" I asked.

"Shortly before seven, so we can stay in bed for about ten minutes." he answered. Fortunately, I was awakened by Alec and not the alarm clock. I snuggled closer to Alec to enjoy the last few minutes.

"Do you know what's good? I do not have to miss you all day today." I explained and he laughed softly.

"Are you 100% sure that you want to make it public?" he asked again to be sure.

"Do you doubt it? Would you rather leave it?" I asked. Yesterday I had already told him that I finally wanted to show up with him, but I was not sure if he completely agreed to it.

"I'm not worried about me, Magnus. Nothing would get worse for me." he said. I sat up and looked at him.

"And I'm not worried about me, everything will be fine." I said and he nodded, smiling. I leaned over to kiss him. After letting go of his lips, I got up. I did not wear anything, since we had a nice evening yesterday, but it did not bother me to show me Alec like that.

"Nice look." he said with a chuckle. I had to grin too.

"I can only give that back." I answered, knowing that he was wearing nothing, too. I went to the bathroom and took a shower. I did not need a long time. I took a towel and threw it around my hips. I went back to the bedroom where Alec was still in bed.

"Don't you want to get ready too?" I asked and already he was struggling out of bed.

"I was just waiting for you to finish." he said and also disappeared in the bathroom. Only now did I realize that I had no clothes to wear here. So I decided to plunder Alec's wardrobe, hoping it would not bother him.

Alec did not have much color. Most of it was black or generally dark colors. So I opted for a dark red sweater and a plain black pants. I noticed his smell, and I felt good immediately. His smell relaxed me and gave me safety.

I rubbed my hair dry and realized that my hair was a mess. However, I was too lazy to style it today. I took my eyeliner out of my schoolbag, since I always have it with me and painted one. I do not like to go outside without it, otherwise I feel naked.

Also with a towel around his hips, but already with dry hair, Alec came in again. He stopped and looked at me.

"Are these my clothes?" he asked. I nodded sheepishly.

"I had no clothes here, so I borrowed yours, I hope that was okay." I admitted and Alec grinned.

"What's mine is yours." he replied and I had to laugh.

Good 20 minutes later, we were both completely finished and made our way to school. We walked because we were not late and it was nice weather. I thought about how people will react. Would they even notice? Alec must have realized that I was thinking a lot. He took my hand and squeezed it a bit.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Do you think it will even attract people's attention at the beginning?" I asked. I mean our school was big, but everybody knew everybody anyway. Maybe not personally, but at least from the see.

"To be honest, yes. At school everything spreads very fast and I'm not exactly unknown." He explained and I nodded. Shortly afterwards we arrived at the school and we stopped in front of it. We looked at each other.

"Ready?" Alec asked.

"Ready." I answered and took his hand. Together we entered the school and walked down the hall to our lockers. Most of the looks were directed at us and I had to admit it was a little uncomfortable to be watched.

We went together to my friends. Catarina and Ragnor already know about Alec, but not Raphael and Simon. They looked at us confused and surprised.

"What the hell? What did I miss?" asked Simon. He looked at Ragnor and Cat, both of whom were grinning.

"Alec and I are a couple." I admitted and Simon's jaw dropped. Raphael just stared in confusion.

"Wait, you're gay?" asked Simon Alec. Alec nodded, grinning a little. "Why does it seem like I'm the last one to know that?" he asked.

"I didn't know anything about it either." Raph spoke up. I had to smile, because it was a little amusing.

"Calm down, boys. I've only known it since yesterday, Ragnor is the traitor here." Cat said laughing.

"Do not look at me like that, I promised Magnus to say nothing." Ragnor said. Raph and Simon were shocked, but they did not seem to mind, which relieved me.

"Welcome to the family, Alec." Simon said and everyone smiled at him. I am glad that he was finally accepted. Now he did not have to be alone anymore. Alec looked at me and we smiled lovingly at each other.

"How did that happen?" Raph asked now.

"I'll explain all this during lunch." I answered. Raph and Simon nodded. I was glad that they accepted him so lovingly.

"Er, hey, sorry I'm interrupting you, but could I talk to you for a second, Magnus?" someone asked behind me. Everything looked back and there stood Noah. I felt Alec tense up immediately, so I gently squeezed his hand.

"Give me a minute." I said and looked lovingly at Alec. Reluctantly, he released my hand and nodded. I walked a bit further and stood in front of Noah with my arms crossed.

"So you two are now a thing?" he asked, embarrassed.

"Me and Alec have been a couple for a while." I admitted. Noah scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

"So you were together at the party?" he asked and I nodded. "Oh, then I understand all that, why did you even go with me?" he asked, hurt.

"You meant to go as a friend, I knew you were not looking for friendship, but since I told you I did not want more than friendship, I thought you might have understood it. I didn't want to be rude." I explained and he nodded.

"Then I'm sorry that I bothered you, I wish you two good luck." he said and I nodded thankfully. He turned and left. Maybe it was not fair, but he should have thought a bit too.

Thank you guys so much for 10k reads!! I'm so grateful! It really motivates me to go on and I hope you enjoy it so far ❤️❤️

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