Chapter 37

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Another bonus-chapter? Wow thank you guys for 15k reads and for 900 votes!! I am really that you like this story. I am trying my best to make this story as good as possible :)

Magnus POV

I sat at the table with the others and ate breakfast with them. I had a nightmare that night, but it was different than usual. I knew what happened, so I did not scream. I think I might be able to control it. Only Cat got something, and she calmed me down a bit. I was glad that it was not as bad as the other times.

I really hope that Alexander could sleep this night. He needed it, so I insisted. I only want the best for him. Catarina and Ragnor had prepared eggs and bacon this morning. Simon and I brought rolls for that. We also wanted to ask Alec if he came, but he did not answer the phone. I thought he was just asleep, as he still has to make up for sleep.

"I have not had such a breakfast for a long time." Simon said with his mouth full. I have to admit that it tasted really good.

"Only I can do something wonderful." Catarina grinned. Ragnor cleared his throat and gave her a precautionary look. "Oh and Ragnor, of course." she added and everyone laughed.

I enjoyed this very much. I was reasonably well rested and had my friends with me. Of course, it would be even better if Alec were here. It was strange not to fall asleep, but since the others were here, it was not so bad. I wondered how Alec felt.

"Earth to Magnus." said Simon, breaking my thoughts. I looked up and saw everyone staring at me.

"Sorry, I was in thought, what was the question?" I asked. Everyone grinned.

"You were probably thinking of your prince again." Raph said, giggling now. "I asked if you would come to the lake and it should get warm on the weekend." he explained to me. I had to smile. It was like a ritual with me and my friends. Every summer we drove to the lake to barbecue, swim or just spend some time there. We had not done it this year yet because most of the time the weather did not fit and it was just too cold. This year Alec would be there for the first time. I could well imagine that it would be even better with him than usual. Everything was better with him.

"Sure, I'll ask Alec if he turns up here." I told them and they nodded. I could not wait for it. We never all did something together. Always only at school, but rather less outside.

We ate everything and they helped me clean up. Even cleaning up was fun, as we turned on music and danced together. We laughed a lot and it made me forget everything. It was just a pity that Alec was not here.

After a few hours, my friends said goodbye and drove home again. It was 4 pm and I had not heard of Alec. He had not called me back. Alec had not slept for a long time, but you do not sleep that long. So I took my cell phone and wrote him a message. I was not worried because he said he would be there this evening and if he did not show up, I can still panic.

I sat down to the TV and started a new show. It was actually really good. It let me completely forget the time. At some point I was interrupted, because it rang at the door. I looked at the clock and it was 7pm. I turned off the TV and hurried to the door.

I was relieved when I saw Alexander outside the door. I took a step to the side to let him in. He came in and went to the living room. It was strange, because he kept his things on as if he had no intention of staying. However, I ignored this fact and simply followed it. He stopped in the living room, his back turned to me.

"I'm glad you're back here, we ate breakfast together this morning, I actually wanted to ask you if you wanted to be there, but you did not pick up the phone." I told him. He turned and looked at me.

"Eh yes I was busy." he said. I nodded skeptically. Something was different.

"Our friends have asked us if we want to go to the lake together, that's such a tradition with us, and this time you would be there for the first time." I said, but he looked down. Confused, I looked at him. Something was wrong. He seemed tense.

"Magnus, I-I think I can't do that." he answered. His answer confused me.

"We do not have to if you don't want to, we can stay at home but believe me that could be fu-"

"I didn't mean that, I think I can't do that with us anymore." he explained. My heart stopped.

"What are you saying? Is it because of the nightmares, they are getting better." I said anxiously and nervously. He shook his head.

"It's not that, Magnus. We're not good for each other." he said. It felt like a slap in the face. Like a knife stab in the heart.

"W-What do you mean? Y-You're the best thing that ever happened to me." I stuttered. I was afraid. Afraid of losing the most important person of my life.

"That's what you're saying now, but since I'm in your life, so many things happened to you. I can not stay with you and worry every day that something will happen to you." he explained. I looked at him in confusion.

„So you leave me alone? Even though it might be dangerous?" I asked. He sighed and nodded.
"No, this isn't you. You're not that selfish. Days ago you couldn't bear losing me." I said. I felt tears come to my eyes.

"It is not the same anymore." he said. I swallowed. Did he really feel that way?

"Tell me you don't love me anymore." I said. I could not believe he was not feeling the same anymore. Yesterday everything was okay.

"I should go." he said hoarsely. Another slap in the face. He walked past me but I still held him by the arm.

"No, no, no, I've already lost my parents, I can't lose you too, Alec. You're my home." I said, putting both my hands to his cheeks. He closed his eyes and sighed. I pulled him closer and laid my lips gently on his. He returned the kiss, but only a little, not as always.

"Stay with me, okay? Come on, stay with me." I whispered as our lips parted. My forehead leaned against his. I was so close to him that I could feel his breath. Slowly, he moved away from me and with shaky hands I let him go.

"I can't, I'm sorry." he said and left. He just left me there, alone. I just stood there and couldn't move. I felt so much pain inside me. Now the tears were running, but I didn't make a sound. It was quiet. Quiet, like it has never been before.

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