Chapter 17

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I sat at the table and had breakfast. I do not eat breakfast often, but since I had eaten nothing yesterday, I was starving. I finished my breakfast and packed my plate in the dishwasher.

It was already pretty late, so I set off right away. I was not picked up by Ragnor that day, so I had to go by myself. When I arrived, I met my friends at the lockers.

I greeted them and searched in my locker for my books. They didn't make any comments yet, which I enjoyed pretty much. It was Friday and I was looking forward to tonight, so I was in a good mood anyway.

"Hey Mags, we're doing a movie night at Raph's place tonight and you're in, aren't you ?" Cat asked. I turned around and looked at my friends, who smiled at me.

"Uhm no sorry, I have a lot to learn and I'm pretty much exhausted." I answer. They looked at me skeptically. Normally, I never say no to that, but I would not cancel the date.

"Since when do you study on Friday evening? You usually learn on Sundays." said Raph. I shrugged and turned back. It was exhausting to lie every time.

"On Sunday, my father comes back so I can‚t learn." I lied. Cat raised her eyebrow. Why do they always have to be so suspicious?

"If you say so. Then we'll have fun without you", Raph said with a grin and I rolled my eyes. I took my books and went to the classroom. The others followed me and we put us in our usual places. We had physics now. The teacher entered the room and started the lesson.

"Good morning, we have a new student in the class starting today, because he is too good for the physics class in his class, so he will be in this class from now on. Would you please introduce yourself?" the teacher said and asked the student in. He came into the class and I was amazed when I realized that it was Alexander.

"Uhm yeah I'm Alec." he said and I smiled. I know that I can't concentrate on the lesson anyway. He sat down in front of me in the corner. I looked at him while the teacher continued the lesson.

That went the whole hour like that. Sometimes he looked at me and smiled, then turned away. I did not really hear much of the lesson. I wondered if the teacher had sent him to us or if he wanted it himself.

I had not seen him after this hour. The day passed rather slowly, but I survived it. It was now half past five and I still had one and a half hours until Alec wanted to pick me up.

So I hurried home so I could get ready. When I got home, I went to the bathroom first. I got rid of my clothes and scurried under the shower. I washed my hair and my body. When I came out, I threw a towel around my waist. I looked at myself in the mirror and drove through my hair. I dried my hair and began to put make-up on. I wore an eye-liner and black eyeshadow. After an hour I was done and went to the bedroom.

I opened my closet and rummaged through my clothes. I did not want to be overdressed, but I did not want to look the same as always. I pulled out a black collar sweater and a wine red tight pants. I looked at the outfit and tried it.

I looked at myself in the mirror. It did not look bad. I looked at the clock and noticed that I didn't have enough time to change it anyway. So I left it as it was. I startled when I heard the bell below. I hurried downstairs. Before I opened the door I looked at myself in the mirror again and straightened my hairstyle.

I felt like a 14 year old girl who was in love for the first time. I took a deep breath and opened the door. I smiled when I saw Alexander. He was wearing a white shirt and a black leather jacket. His look was not really new, but there was a difference because he had styled his hair. He looked at me and smiled.

"You look great." I said and he blushed. I smirked and picked up my Jacket.

"I can only give that back." he said and I nodded thankfully. I went outside and closed the door behind me.

"We should drive with my car. It's a bit obvious when we go by bus." I explained and he nodded understandingly. I opened the garage door and we got in.

"So, where are we going?" I asked and he searched the address on Google Maps. He put it down and I drove off. We did not really talk the whole ride. When we got there, I parked the car and we went in.

"Good evening, do you have a reservation?" asked the lady at the reception. It must be a pretty fancy restaurant if you need a reservation. I wondered if he even thought about it. I just looked expectantly at Alec.

"Yes, under the name Lightwood." he said and I smiled. I would not have thought he had remembered about this.

"Follow me, please." the lady said friendly. She sat us at a table on the edge. It was really nice. We sat down and ordered the drinks.

"I hope you like it and it's not too cheesy," he said thoughtfully. I put my hand on his and smiled at him.

"It's perfect, don't worry." I explained and he smiled. We ransacked the menu and then ordered our food.

"After all that happened, that's the most normal thing I've done in the last few weeks." I admitted and he laughed softly.

"That's the most normal thing I've ever done, I did not think I'd ever have a date in a fancy restaurant with anyone, especially not with you." he admitted and I looked at him in confusion.

"You did not know me before I ran into you in this cafe." I answered. He blushed and scratched the back of his head.

"Well, I'm pretty sure you already knew me before." he said and I grinned slightly.

"Yes, but you were not really unknown in our school, I was just an average normal student." I answered and he shrugged.

"For me, you were more than just a normal student, I've seen you before, like you always walked around with your friends." he admitted and I laughed softly.

"So you watched me?" I asked jokingly.

"No, not directly, you were just different than the others, you had no prejudices and you believe in me." he admitted. I smiled gently and stroked his hand with my thumb.

The food came and we started to eat. We talked and laughed a lot. It was really a nice evening and I could not have imagined the date better.

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