Chapter 86

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Magnus POV

I had my eyes closed. I didn't want to open them because I didn't know what just happened. I held my arms protectively in front of my face as if it would help something. But no matter how much I waited for the pain, it didn't come. Wait, if the pain didn't hit me, then...

Slowly I opened my eyes and Alexander was no longer in front of me, but lay on the floor. Shocked, I held my hand over my mouth. I saw blood and Alec groaning in pain. I knelt in a hurry and put my hand to his cheeks.

"Alexander .." I whispered softly. The blood spread on his T-shirt, so I didn't see where the bullet had hit him. I put one of my hands under his head and the hurt one on his stomach so he knows I'm here. Now I know how Alec felt after my car accident. It is an incredibly terrible feeling.

"I'm fine, don't worry." Alec said through his clenched teeth. I looked at Jonathan, who was fortunately just arrested.

"You fucking bastard, I hope you rot in jail." I shouted angrily at him before returning to Alec. "What hurts you?" I asked in a shaky voice.

"Only the shoulder." he said softly. Well, at least it was just the shoulder and not the lungs or his heart. Still, it wasn't nice to see Alec as he suffers. I heard the paramedics rushing in behind me. They must have come from the police.

I'm had to step aside, because I had to let them take care of Alec. Just when I thought we had overcome the worst, comes something like that. I watched as they stopped the bleeding and put it on a stretcher. He was conscious and that reassured me. They wanted to bring him out and I followed them.

"Can I come with you? Please." I asked. The paramedics looked at Alec who hurriedly nodded. So they allowed me. They put Alec in the ambulance and I got in. I sat down next to him and held his hand while driving.

"Magnus I .." said Alec, but I shook my head.

"No, don't talk, save your strength." I said and he nodded slowly. So we were silent for the whole ride, but looked at each other. It doesn't seem like something bad, but I saw how much he was hurt. At least at my car accident I was lucky enough to lose my consciousness and feel nothing. Even if I was scared, if he would lose consciousness now, I'd like to take the pain away from him.

Arriving at the hospital, they took Alec to the operating room to probably remove the bullet. Of course I wasn't allowed to come with him, so I sighed and sat down on the chairs.

The bullet would have hit me, but he got in front of me in time. How did he know he was going to pull the gun now and why did he do that? He protected me as he always did.

"I thought I said I don't want to see you here so soon." said a familiar voice next to me. I looked up and there stood Lois, who looked at me sympathetically. I sighed and held my head with my hand. She sat down next to me. "What happened?" she asked.

"There's this guy who wanted revenge on Alec for something Alec hadn't done, he wanted to take the thing he loved the most and that's me, so he wanted to shoot me." I explained and she looked at me shocked.

"What?" she asked in shocked.

"He would have, if Alexander hadn't jumped in front of me. He saved my life." I went on. She looked at me sadly. "Fortunately, he just hit his shoulder and no important organ, but if Alec would have died instead of me then I wouldn't know what I should do." I explained. Lois sighed.

"I'm sure everything will be fine." she said and put her hand on my shoulder. I nodded with a weak smile. She got up. "I have to work, but I think we'll see each other again today." She said. I nodded and she left.

Two hours passed before a doctor let me to him. When I entered the room he sat on the bed and smiled at me. He looked a little pale. I approached him and sat next to him. His shoulder was bandaged.

"Does it hurt?" I asked. It didn't seem like he was hurting. He just looked pale, nothing more.

"I got painkillers and they sewed it, it was just a sweep, so it's not that bad." he said. "The pain came because I somehow dislocated my shoulder, but they fixed it." he added. I just nodded and looked at his hand. He had his fingers outstretched to indicate that I should take his hand. I did that slowly.

"Why did you do that?" I asked softly. Alec looked at me confused.

"Why? Because I wanted to protect you. " he said. I looked down.

"The bullet was meant for me." I said and pulled my hand away.

"It would have hit you worse, Magnus. It's my fault Jonathan wanted to kill you at all, so it was my duty to protect you." he explained. I still didn't look up.

"You didn't know how bad it would hit you, if you died instead of me, I would never have forgiven myself." I admitted. Alec sighed.

"Magnus look at me." he said. Slowly I looked into his face. "I would die for you at any time." he said. Tears came to my eyes.

"I would do that for you too." I said in a shaky voice. "I just want to be happy with you, is that so hard?" I asked.

"We both knew that our relationship wouldn't be easy." he said. That's true, but I didn't expect that. Nobody would have that. "I'm sorry I got you into all this." he said.

"Well, I was the one who didn't leave you alone, even if you asked me in the beginning." I answered. That's almost three years ago. That's crazy.

"Do you regret it?" he asked with a sad expression. I reached for his hand again.

"Not even a bit." I admitted. "Everything I told you before Jonathan came, I meant it. I want to spend my whole life with you." I said. A smile formed on my lips. I approached him and kissed him gently.

"Thank you." I said after removing my lips.

"For what?" asked he.

"For saving my life." I answered. He smiled lovingly at me.

"Anytime." he answered.

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