Chapter 71

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A wonderful Morning!
You know I actually don't like promotions BUT one of my besties uploaded a new story called „Hopeless" It's a Malec story and I am already in love with it. Check it out if you wanna see good content Shadowxtrash

Have fun with the chapter :)

Alexander POV

I wore a black fancy suit that Magnus had lent me. Of course, I don't have such a thing, but in jeans and a black sweater I can't appear at the funeral of my brother. He deserves better. I looked at myself in the mirror. I think that isn't me. I look so different.

In the mirror, I saw Magnus coming into the bedroom. He also wore a black suit. He at least looked good, as always. I was nervous. I didn't want to see my father again. My mother has at least apologized, but he? He will never. Magnus came closer and hugged me from behind.

"Everything will be fine, I won't leave your side." he said and kissed my neck. I closed my eyes and sighed satisfied. I'm so happy to have Magnus. Without him I might not have gone to the funeral.

"Thank you." I answered softly. He let go of me and I looked at myself one last time in the mirror.

"Can we go?" he asked and I nodded. He held out his hand, which I took. Together we went out of his house and got into his car. We just thought it would be more appropriate if we drive by car than by bus.

I gave the address to Magnus and we went to this cemetery. After the proper funeral, there would still be a dinner at my parents house, but we didn't plan to go there. Seeing my father at the funeral is one thing, but being at home with him is too much. I don't think that would end well.

When we arrived we got out and went hand in hand to the others. By now many people were there. Also people I have never seen in my life. I was tense, but I got even tense when I saw my father. He was talking to strangers and I hoped he wouldn't see me yet.

"Hey, are you okay?" Magnus asked, noticing that I pressed his hand a little tighter. I looked to him and nodded. He gave me a small smile, which I returned weakly.

"Alec?" a rough voice asked behind me. I turned around and there I saw an older woman. My grandmother. She hasn't changed a. bit. I smiled when I saw her. "Alec, is it really you?" she asked, hugging me.

"Yes, Grandmother, it's me." I said pleased. When I was a little boy I always had a good relationship with my grandmother, but at some point she just didn't come anymore. My father said she doesn't want to see me anymore because I was gay. I haven't seen her since.

"I'm so glad to see you, even if it's under these circumstances." she said, releasing me. "You have become so tall and pretty." she said and stroked my cheek. I smiled at her.

"I thought you didn't want to see me anymore." I admitted, and she looked at me dumbfounded.

"What? Your father forbade me to contact you, I didn't want to listen to it in the beginning, but he said he would put you on the street otherwise. " she explained. Anger rose in me. What comes to his mind?

"He did that anyway. I lived in a hut for most of my life." I admitted. She looked at me sympathetically.

"Oh Alec, I am so sorry, if I had known, I would have searched and taken you in. It must have been terrible." she said.

"It was, until I met someone who loved me anyway and took me in." I said, looking at Magnus. I held out my hand and he accepted it. He stepped forward. "This is my boyfriend, Magnus." I admitted proudly and she smiled.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Lightwood." Magnus said and shook her hand. I could tell that my grandmother liked him.

"You are very charming, I am also pleased and thank you for loving my grandchild, even if not many people did." She said. He smiled and nodded.

"Alec, what are you doing here? I couldn't remember inviting you." said a very familiar voice behind me. I turned around and there he stood. The man who should be my father.

"I don't think I need an invitation, Max was my brother." I said calmly, even though I felt internal rage. He snorted derogatory.

"You were never there for him." he answered. I looked at him dumbfounded. Was he serious?

"But you were it or what?" I said angrily. Magnus took my hand and squeezed it.

"Hey, babe, he's not worth it. We just go away from him, okay?" he said in a calm and steady voice. I took a deep breath. He calmed me and I nodded. We just went and I didn't look him in the face anymore. He didn't deserve my looks.

In the crowd, I saw my mother, who fortunately didn't speak to me. She just smiled at me from afar and I even returned it. She definitely deserves a chance rather than my dad. We also met Jace and Isabelle, who immediately hugged me.

"I'm so glad you're here." said Isabelle. I nodded. I was also happy to be here and say goodbye to Max again. I think I owe it to him.

The funeral was quiet. My dad looked at me now and then derogatory, but he said nothing. It's not about arguing at a funeral, and I'm glad he knows that at least. After all, he doesn't seem very educated.

Now everyone stood in front of the cemetery and waited for something. I didn't know what they were myself. I looked to the side and saw Isabelle, who came towards me.

"Hey, are you still going to the dinner?" she asked. Magnus looked at me, but I shook my head. That's enough from my dad for today.

"No, I'm sorry, Iz. I just want to go home in my bed." I admitted. That was true. I just want to watch a movie with Magnus and cuddle up to him. That's the only thing that could save this day.

"Okay, I see. See you soon, okay?" she said questioningly and hugged me. I hugged her as well.

"Of course." I answered. She let me go and smiled at me before disappearing. Magnus took my hand again and together we drove home again. Had we survived that too.

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