Kim Samuel X Male! Reader

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Samuel's POV

I was practicing so hard for my comeback I was sweating and I was extremely exhausted but, I pushed myself harder, I finished the song and I was loosing balance, I was about to fall over until I felt strong arms around my waist "Hey baby, I told you to not push yourself so hard" I turned around and saw my boyfriend M/N, I sighed "I know but, my comeba-" he cut me off with a kiss he looked at me "I know sweetheart but, you're already an amazing idol and if you keep it up you're going to get hurt please take it easy for a while" he said with worry in his voice I caressed his face and nodded

He nodded in acknowledgment "Alright hun, let's go out to eat" he said I nodded and giggled hugging his arm tightly leaning my head on his shoulder "Where would you like to go baby?" I asked he tought about it for a while and then said "F/R" I smiled and nodded grabbing his hand interlocking our fingers "Come on then, let's go" I said pulling him out


We arrived at the restaurant and got greeted by the hostess "Hello how can i help- oh my god! You're Samuel and M/N!" She said I pulled down my mask and winked at her and signaling her to not say anything please "Please don't say anything we're going on a date and we want to enjoy ourselves" I said she nodded "Alright come on I'll get you a private room" we both bowed as a thank you and followed her. We got settled "Than you so much" she bowed "No problem my name is Nyla if you need anything else please let me know" we nodded and she left then Samuel looked at me shocked "That was unexpected I thought we'd have to leave" I caressed his face leaning closer to him connecting our lips in a passionate kiss making my boyfriend moan softly "I love you baby boy" I said lovingly he placed his head in my chest "I love you too Oppa" he giggled I smiled and kissed the top of his head.

Our food arrived sometime later it smelled heavenly "Wah! It smells so good~!" He said I smiled at him and held him closer to me since he was in my lap my arms secured tightly around my lover I grabbed my chopsticks and grabbed some black bean noodles "Say ahh" I said sweetly and he opened his mouth and fed him "You've got something there Sammy" he looked at me confused his eyes widely 'so cute!' I grabbed my thumb swiped the sauce off his lips and licked my thumb clean he saw this and blushed burying his face in the crook of my neck making me laughed softly "H-hey stop it!" He said embarrassed "I'm sorry baby you're just too cute for me to handle sometimes, I love you" I said hugging him tight "I love you too so much" he said pecking me on the lips, we just enjoyed our date and each other's company.

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