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"We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated."- Maya Angelou

Veron's POV

I felt a sharp pain as I was slammed into the wall.

The war has begun. Evelyn was dragging Keisha away as I struggled with the vampire that was fighting me.

They were everywhere. Maids and guards were being killed. It was total chaos.

I ripped both hands off the vampire and tried to get upstairs to find Damion. He didn't belong here. He was human and these monsters will drain him of all his blood. 

I had to fight my way up the stairs. Vampires kept pouncing at me from all angles. When I was finally at the top of the stairs I could smell Damion's blood and hear his shallow, labored breaths.

He was already bitten!

I rushed toward his room so I could help him. I didn't want my best friend to die like that.

"Veron." I heard Malik's voice behind me and I stopped in my tracks.

He had an evil smile on his face. "Your father took Malcolm's life and now I'm going to take yours."

"Whatever happened with my father and your son was an accident. You have to understand that I'm not a part of that. I cannot be the one to pay for my father's mistake." I tried to reason with him.

His eyes darkened and he crouched down ready to pounce at me. "I wish your father was here to watch the life drain from your body." He said through his teeth as he looked at me with hatred in his eyes.

"Uncle Malik, this is not the way to solve your problem." I tried to reason with him again. "Revenge will only cause you more hurt."

Malik slowly shook his head and then started laughing. "You think that is the only reason I'm going to kill you? You're so oblivious, son. You don't observe your surroundings well enough. Have you ever wondered why you can only drink nacre blood?" He was smiling creepily at me.

I've always wondered but I've never really given much thought to it.

"No. I don't know why." I said defeatedly.

Malik's expression became serious once again. "If you knew the reason you would understand why I cannot allow you to live. You were a mistake, Veron."

What?! How am I a mistake?

While I stood there contemplating what he just said, Malik jumped at me knocking me to the ground with one jab to the cheek.

I scrambled to my feet quickly, his boot missing my neck by mere inches. I grabbed him by his throat and slammed him into the wall but he quickly retaliated and smashed my head into the opposite wall.

I was dizzy for a minute as he grabbed my throat with both hands and started squeezing.

This is it. He's going to snap my neck and my life will be over.

Do you know how people always say that when you are dying your whole life flashes before your eyes? It wasn't so for me. The only thing I was thinking about was Keisha and Damion, hoping they both will survive this.

I could still hear Damion. His breathing has lessened and I know he doesn't have much time left.

"This is for Malcolm!" Malik shouted as he squeezed my neck harder.

This is the end.

I felt nothing as I closed my eyes. I couldn't feel Malik's hand anymore so I knew I was dead. I kept my eyes closed. I could still smell Damion's blood.

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