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"Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection."- Mark Twain

Keisha's POV

Malik wiped his mouth of my blood. "How far are you with Veron?" He asked.

I sighed. "We went on a picnic today and talked." I didn't even realize that I was smiling until I saw my reflection in Malik's mirror.

"Talked? That's it?" Malik said grumpily. "Keisha I thought I told you that time is running out. You need to make him fall in love with you before December tenth or you're going to be stuck here forever!" He barked at me and I shivered.

I hate when he gets angry. He can be a very irrational person.

"Ok, I'll try harder," I said and left his bed-chamber.

Once I reached my bedroom, I dived into my bed and took up my diary.

Dear Diary
I need to make Veron fall in love with me a little faster. So today I'm going to do something I've never done. I'm going to visit his room wearing something skimpy to see if I can get a reaction out of him. Wish me luck.

I rummaged through my closet trying to find something to wear. I finally settled on a pink tube top and a tiny white pair of shorts.

I glanced at my reflection in the mirror and gasped. I've never worn such revealing clothes before and I hope no one sees me when I'm walking to Veron's room.

I peeked from my bedroom door to see if anyone was in the hallway. Once the coast was clear, I hurriedly walked to Veron's room carrying a bottle of champagne with me.

I knocked twice but he didn't answer. I wish I had carried my notepad so I could write him a note in case he is being anti-social again.

I knocked one more time but still, there was no answer.

I took a deep breath and turned the handle on the door. It wasn't locked so I peeked in.
"Veron? Hello?" I called. The curtains were a thick black which made the room look dark although it was just three p.m.

I stepped into the room and exhaled. What if he is angry about me being in his personal space? What if he gets so angry that he tries to bite me?

I shook my head trying to shake away that thought. Veron is not like that. He wouldn't deliberately hurt me.
I walked over to his dresser and placed the champagne and the glasses on it.

The middle drawer of his dresser was slightly open and I decided to take a peak.
A piece of pink paper caught my eye. It was the first note I wrote to him. I shuffled around in the drawer and found the rest of the notes that I wrote to him. Now, why would he want to keep all of these?

I went and sat on his bed. I didn't want him to come and find me searching through his things.

I heard the lock jiggling and I got tensed. What if he is angry about me being in his room?!

Once he opened the door and saw me sitting on his bed, his eyes went wide. "Keisha?" He asked as if he wasn't sure he was seeing correctly.

I was a nervous wreck. I exhaled so I could try to keep my voice from breaking. "We...Uhm...we didn't end our picnic properly. We didn't even finish playing the game." That was a lame excuse and I mentally slapped myself for not coming up with something better to say.

"The game?" He looked at me quizzically, still standing in the doorway.

"The game we were playing in the garden. Never have I ever. I think it was your turn."

He smiled nervously. "OK then?" He said locking the door and walking toward me. "Can I sit beside you?" He asked and I nodded.

"Ok....." He said again holding onto his knees and turning his attention away from me. "Should I go get the champaign?"

"I already thought of that," I told him as I got up and retrieved it from his dresser along with two wine glasses.

I came back and sat closer to him this time as I handed one of the glasses to him.
"Your turn Veron." I smiled at him and he cleared his throat.

"Uhm.....never have I ever....rode on a train before."

"Seriously?" I laughed at him and took a drink from my glass. "My turn.....never have I ever owned a smartphone."

It was Veron's turn to laugh. "Keisha this is a truth game. You can't tell any lies." He said as he drank some of his champagne.

I pouted a little. "I'm being honest. I've never owned one before?" I told him and he stopped laughing.

"Oh my gosh! You are really serious. What do you use to communicate with your friends or listen to music or do whatever else girls do?" Veron waited for me to answer.

I sighed. "All my family and friends or either dead or missing. I don't have a phone now because Malik forbids me from having one."

"What?" Veron whisper shouted. "Why would he do that? What if you're on the road one day and something happens to you, what would you use to call for help?"

"I'm not allowed to leave the house either," I told him and his hands folded into tight fists. "It's your turn now. What have you never done before?" I said, trying to change the subject.

Veron exhaled and unclenched his fist. "Never have I ever traveled to a foreign country."

I took a drink from my glass remembering when my family and I used to go on vacation. My sister and I always got the chance to choose which country we would visit next.

Veron waved his hand before my face. "Keisha it's your turn."

Right. I almost forgot why I was here in the first make Veron fall in love with me. I decided to step it up a bit.

"Never have I ever..." I said while I nibbled on my bottom lip. "Kissed a vampire before." I giggled not even believing that I said that to him without stuttering.

Veron stared at me, our faces only inches away from each other. "I would like that to change though." It came out as a loud whisper as I inched closer to Veron.

He didn't move. He looked.....frightened. It was now or never and I have come too far to back out now.

Our lips touched and Vernon went rigid for a while. I waited and soon enough I felt his lips parting, giving me access.

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