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"Keep your head up. God gives his hardest battles to his strongest soldiers.

Veron's POV

"We've lost her." I heard my uncle say and I fell to my knees. This can't be happening. What have I done to her?

Vanessa had to take Damion out of the room because he looked as if he was about to faint. He seemed to be lost in a different universe as he pointed at Keisha and tried to form sentences.

"Are you sure?" I asked my uncle as he stood over her limp body.

Everyone had sad looks on their faces. Everyone except Evelyn, Keisha's mother. Why wasn't she sad? Didn't she care about her daughter? Didn't she love her?

Malik pulled the sheet over her body and I felt my inside cave. She was dead. She was really dead.

We stayed silent staring at the sheet-covered body.
Evelyn cleared her throat and turned to Malik. "Hon I feel like going to the beach. Can we?" She smiled sweetly, taking Malik's hand into hers.

What the hell is wrong with this woman?! Was her memory erased? Doesn't she remember that Keisha is her daughter?

Malik seemed to be thrown off by her odd request. "Are you sure?" He questioned. "I mean, your daughter just died. Aren't you a little sad?"

She peered around Malik's broad shoulders and looked at Keisha's body. "Life is for the living." She said after taking a deep breath. "She's dead. I'm alive. Enough said. Can we go now?" She tugged at Malik's arm and he finally gave in.

"Ok. But just for a short while. Veron, you need to get out of here and clear your head." He said to me. "This is not your fault. You couldn't have known this would happen."

"You're damn right it wasn't my fault," I shouted at him as I got to my feet. "This is all your doing!"

He stepped back and looked at me. "Me? How is this my fault?"

I could feel my anger level rising. "If you didn't stop providing blood for me, this would have never happened."

"I know my punishment seemed a little harsh but every parent has to punish their child who has misbehaved."

What the heck!

"First of all, I'm not a child and secondly, you are not my parent," I told him.

He sighed. "Just face the facts, Veron, I'm the only parent you have and will ever have. I am the one who will always be here for you. I am the one who loves you as if you are my own son. When I punish you, trust me when I say it is for your own good. The world is not a nice place and I'm trying my utter best to prepare you for it."

I sighed in defeat. He's the one who has always been there for me. My memory is a little foggy but Uncle Malik has always been there.

"I'm sorry Uncle," I said quietly.

He tapped me over the shoulder. "It's OK Son. I know how much losing someone you love can hurt. You will never forget but I can tell you that it will get better."

They left me in the room with Keisha and the tears started flowing. I didn't know how much I loved her until this very moment.

I sat beside her on the bed and pulled the sheet halfway down her body. I used my hand to trace the outline of her face and neck. I caressed the pearl necklace around her neck, wishing she could just wake up and tell me to leave her alone. I needed to hear her voice again, her laughs, her moans. Anything. I needed my Keisha back.

I glanced at my phone. It was 6:09 am so most of the vampires were just getting in. I didn't want anyone to see me crying. I didn't want them to have it in their minds that I'm a weak person. I dried my face and took a deep breath.

This is all going to work out. I'm going to get better.

I went and sat in the chair across from the bed and after a lot of worrying and wishing, I finally drifted off to sleep.

"I need to be alone with my daughter, Malik." I heard Evelyn's voice outside the door and my head shot up. "Her death has finally sunk in." She sounded very sad.

"OK, Darling. Take your time. I'll be in my room if you need me." Malik said then I heard him walking away.

What am I supposed to do? Should I leave so she could be with her daughter?

I went against my better judgment and quickly hid behind the chair.

Evelyn opened the door and then locked it behind her. She walked over to Keisha with a smile on her face.

"I went to the beach today." She said happily. "I know you are in a peaceful place right now but we need you back. Especially that boy Veron. As soon as you wake up we will be having a long discussion about him. Don't you know you are supposed to tell me about your first boyfriend?" She chuckled a bit and shook her head. "I got you some seawater from the beach today." She said as she took the bottle from her bag.

She opened it and carefully poured some on Keisha's pearl necklace. Instantly the necklace started glowing and I heard the faint sound of Keisha's heartbeat. She was alive! My Keisha is alive!

If I wasn't hiding I would have shouted for joy.
Evelyn tipped a little more water and I heard Keisha's heartbeat getting stronger.

Suddenly she took a deep breath and her eyes flew open.

Evelyn rubbed her forehead. "You need to rest my dear. Things will soon be better for us." She said then got up and left.

I looked at Keisha. She was fast asleep. The best thing about watching her sleep was the fact that her chest was moving up and down.

The Thirst In MeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon