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"As long as one keeps searching, the answers will come." -Joan Baez

Veron's POV

The memory felt so real. It was as if I was looking into my own mind. We cleaned the room of rose petals and spilled champagne then we went and sat on the bed.
I couldn't take my mind off the memory. I wanted more. I've always wondered why I could hardly remember anything about my past.

I looked over at Keisha. She was staring at the television absentmindedly. How could I have been so insensitive?

"Did you say this was your first time?" I asked her with a hint of curiosity in my voice.

She nodded.

"Are you talking about your first human-vampire experience or your first experience overall?" I queried.

She whispered back. "My first overall." Then buried her face in the sheets. She was so immature some times I couldn't help but giggle along with her.

I held her cheek so I could look into her eyes. "I'm happy your first time was with me," I told her and she smiled.

"I'm glad it was you too." She leaned up and kissed me.

She looked at me thoughtfully for a while. "Did you say you remembered your mother while having sex with me?" She asked.

I leaned down on the bed and let out a heavy sigh. "Yea. Well, I didn't remember her. It's more like a piece of my memory that was missing just came back. I really can't explain it." I told her truthfully.

"What memories of your parents do you have?" Keisha asked.

I sighed again. "Only what Uncle Malik tells me."

"That's it?" She looked at me intrigued. "So you have no memory of growing up with your parents? Or did you grow up with your uncle?"

She was asking questions that I honestly had no answers for.

"I'm honestly not sure....almost all the memories I have of when I was younger all consists of Uncle Malik but he told me that I grew up with my parents then they died and he took me in. When I had sex with you, the memory felt real. I know it is real. It has to be."

Keisha sighed. "Do you think it is because I'm a nacre why your memory returned?"

I pulled her closer to me so that we could cuddle. "I'm not sure what caused it but I'm sure I want more of my memory to return."

I smiled into her hair as she giggled. "Is that your way of asking me to have sex with you again?" She asked.

I chuckled. "Trust me K.P. you're not ready for that yet."

She buried her face in her hands. "You're right. Everything hurts."

I pulled her closer to me and kissed her neck. "I'm sorry babe. It will soon be better...and less painful."

She nodded. She had her eyes closed, ready to drift off to sleep.

I waited until I heard her snoring before I sneaked out of the bed. I needed to get some blood to drink and I really needed to clear my mind as well. Everything felt so strange.

When did I lose all my memories? Why do I have only memories of growing up with Uncle Malik?

I walked into the hallway and ran my hand through my hair. Malik and most of the other vampires were out tonight so now was my chance to free another human without being caught. I have already freed three of them without Malik noticing.

I walked down to the basement as quietly as I could. I carefully pushed the door open and stepped in. Most of the humans down here were asleep and the ones who were awake I told them to keep quiet. They knew I wouldn't hurt them. I was here to help.

I started pulling one of the cages that had a young boy in it. He was no more than ten or eleven years old. A big smile spread across his face as I went to get him. He was the only child left to be freed.

His tiny legs were wobbly as he walked towards our secret escape door. Everyone knew where it was. I have been down here so many times in the past month, they have almost become my family.

Just as I reached for the boy's mother, I heard the door being opened. I quickly locked the cage and flashed over to where the little boy was hiding.

I heard Uncle Malik's voice. "So this is what I have to work with."

The other person smelled familiar but I didn't know where I knew him from until he spoke. "This is more than enough, Malik," Don said, and I pushed the little boy further behind me so I could peek.

Don and Malik were walking alongside each cage, admiring each human.

What was Don doing here? Was he friends with my uncle? I couldn't understand what was going on at the moment.

"I'll round them up right now before the rest of the vampires come in. We don't want a blood bath." Uncle Malik said. "Everybody listen up!" He shouted as he rattled on cages to wake up the sleeping humans. "This is my friend Don and he will be taking you off my hands for a while. Please be on your best behavior." He gave them evil smirks. "Please don't try to escape. It might cost you your life....and congratulations you have all been drafted."

I felt the little boy tense behind me. I clamped my hand over his mouth to prevent him from screaming as his mother was being dragged from her cage.

I wanted to know where Don was taking these people. I wanted to follow them but I have to free this child first.

"Let's go," I whispered to him once the room was cleared out and Malik and Don left.

He stood, not moving. "I'm not going without my mama."

"What's your name?" I asked him.

"I'm Akeem." He answered.

I knelt down before him. "Ok, Akeem. You have to go with me now. I will come back for your mother later."

"No." He stood his ground and I sighed. I have never been good with children and I don't plan on starting now.

I sighed. "Ok then. Stay here and I'll come back to check on you." I told him and he nodded.

I waited a while before sneaking out of the basement. I didn't see or smell any of the humans nearby. I hurried towards Uncle Malik's room. His door was open and he was standing on his balcony drinking whisky from the bottle.

I approached him slowly. "You're drinking so late? What's wrong?" I asked as he stood, staring into the darkness.

He chuckled humorlessly. "When you get older you will understand son."

I pushed my hands into my pockets and walked onto the balcony. "If you need someone to talk to, you know I'm here, right?"

He nodded his head and then patted me on my back. "That day will never come my boy."

I sighed and remained silent for a while. I have to be careful of what I think about when I'm around Malik. I wouldn't want him to read my thoughts and find out that I know about him and Don being friends.

"So..." I cleared my throat. "I wanted to take Keisha out tomorrow night but she's still scared to go out. Could you talk to her and let her know that Don is nowhere near here."

Malik chuckled again. "She's scared huh?"

I nodded. "Yes. She's scared he might hurt her again."

Malik nodded. "Ah. I see. Well, I don't think Don is the person she should be scared of right now. After all, she has her vampire boyfriend to protect her." I didn't like the smile Malik was giving me.

Just as I was going to respond to him, Evelyn, Keisha's mother, knocked on the door. She looked between me and Malik for a while before she spoke.
"The transfer is complete." She said. "They have all arrived safely."  

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