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"Experience teaches knowledge."

Keisha's POV

I stood there staring at Veron's back as he walked out of the kitchen. I was left speechless. I inhaled and exhaled, still holding onto the counter. It was the only way to prevent myself from falling because my legs were barely holding me up at the moment.
"Well, that was intense." I spun around swiftly when I heard Malik's voice. Did he witness my encounter with Veron? I felt so embarrassed.

"It's not what it looked like," I told him timidly.

He waved his hand at me. "No need to apologize. You're doing good. He seems to be falling in love with you. I like it."

I exhaled. I didn't even remember the deal I made with Malik. I hope he'll still hold up his end of the bargain. I am going to be free.
"What are you doing today?" He asked.

"Just cleaning up around the house," I answered casually.

Malik smiled. "Good. There is something I want you to do for me."

I raised my brows. "What is it this time?" I asked. I hope he's not planning on asking me to make someone else fall in love with me. I can only handle one vampire per lifetime.

"I want you to clean the guest room beside my room." He said and I sighed.

"That's it?" I asked. I've never been in that room before. It has been padlocked for as long as I've been here. "It's no problem," I assured him and he left me to prepare a proper breakfast for myself.

What was Veron thinking? I will have to ask him if he hadn't seen his mom cooking eggs before. I laughed to myself as I took my plate out to the living room. I love eating with my feet elevated on the couch.

I munched on my sandwich and stared into space. Life was easy here. What am I going to do when I get my freedom? Where am I going to go? I never thought about it before.

"Well, you're very comfortable." I looked up to see Kaitlyn strolling in. "What's up?" She asked as she sat on the couch, placing my legs on her lap.

"Just having some breakfast," I told her.

She smiled at me then in a hushed voice she said. "Could you please tell your vampire boyfriend to stop invading our privacy? He keeps walking in on me and David. It is a little embarrassing for me."

"He's not my boyfriend." I defended and Kaitlyn kept smiling.

"Who isn't your boyfriend?" She asked.

"Veron," I answered slowly.

Kaitlyn shuffled on the couch, turning so she could face me. "How did you know I was talking about Veron?"

"Well because he's the only vampire I've ever kissed," I told her without even thinking and watched her eyes grow wider.

I covered my mouth. Oh crap!

Kaitlyn wouldn't stop smiling. "May I have the details please?" She asked sweetly and I held my head down, taking a bite of my sandwich. I'm sure my face has the color of a very ripe tomato right now.

Kaitlyn shoved me playfully. "So how many times have you guys kissed?"

"A few times," I answered shyly. I know Kaitlyn won't stop until she gets every single detail. "Don't you have someplace to be?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

Kaitlyn ignored my question and continued to torture me. "So how are you guys going to hide it from Malik?" She whispered.

"He knows," I told her. "He's actually OK with it."

"What?!" Her facial expression change to somewhere between hatred and anger. "Is it because he is his nephew that he allows it? He's so damn biased. I ought to go ask him why he doesn't want intimate relationships." She folded her hands across her chest and pouted.

"No one living here has ever had any intimate relationship?" I asked her.

"Well, yea." She answered. "The ones that Malik matched himself. The ones he chooses to be together."

Well, that's something new. I've never pegged Malik for the matchmaker type. He's more like the rough, commando-type.

"Well, I'm off." Kaitlyn got up. "David is calling me." She whispered, wiggling her brows. Those two are inseparable. I don't think they have ever been apart for a whole day.

Kaitlyn left and I finished eating my breakfast. I finished my chores quickly and headed up to the guest room with an apron tied around my waist. I'm sure it is very dusty in there.

The padlock on the door was broken and the door ajar. I pushed it open and stepped inside, coughing as I wiped cobwebs from my face.

I turned on an old radio that I found in a corner and started dusting, swaying my body to the music. I stripped the sheet from the bed and took down the dirty curtains. They needed to be scrubbed before they can be used again. I washed the windows thoroughly and vacuumed the carpets until there was no dust in sight. One end of the carpet was slightly lifted and I went to straighten it.

I lifted it and my hand came in contact with a stack of paper. I pulled it out. They seemed to be letters written long ago because some of the words were already fading.

Laying on top of the letters, was a wedding picture. I squinted as I looked at the picture more closely. I gasped. He was married before?!

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