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"Believe you can and you're halfway there." - T. Roosevelt

Veron's POV

Vanessa and I stood at the same time.

"That's none of your business Abby!" I spat.

"It certainly is! We haven't broken up a month yet and you're already shacking up with some dumb bitch! How could you!" She held her chest as if I had physically hurt her.

"Uhm...excuse me," Vanessa inputted. "I'm neither dumb nor a bitch."

"Shut up slut. I'm not talking to you. I'm talking to my boyfriend!"

"Oh right. I thought you just said you guys broke up."

"I said I'm not talking to you!" Abby roared as her hand came up and connected with Vanessa's cheek.

Everything stood still.

Everyone was silent until Abby let out a bloodcurdling scream causing every eye to look our way.

"Let's take this outside," I whispered to Vanessa.

She nodded and grabbed Abby's hand, pulling her outside and into the alley.

"I think you broke my hand!" Abby screeched. "What are you?"

Vanessa smiled. "We are vampires. Veron and I."
She then reached out and cupped Abby's hand into hers and I could hear the bones going back into their rightful place.

A wide-eyed Abby looked at me, then at Vanessa then her hand slowly went up to her eyes. She glared at it in disbelief. "W-hat, h-how?" She stuttered confusedly.

"We drink blood," Vanessa said nonchalantly.

Abby squeezed her eyes shut and I could hear the blood running through her vein.

"We need to get her to a hospital," I said to Vanessa.

She did not reply. She held Abby's hand into hers and started molding it.

"It- it isn't paining anymore. What kind of sick joke is this? What are you!!" Abby looked bewildered.

"Is she deaf Veron? Didn't I just tell her we are vampires?"

'Yes. Now she's going to tell everyone.'

'Don't worry about that Veron. We are in control. Always remember that.' I hate when Vanessa talks through my mind.

"Veron?" Abby looked at me with hurt in her eyes. "I think I hate you."

If my heart wasn't frozen, it would skip a beat.

"Oh don't be so dramatic!" Vanessa screeched.

If human heartbreak was painful, vampire heartbreak was ten times worst. I felt like every cell in my body was erupting.

'I think I hate you.'  Each time I repeated it in my mind I felt weaker and weaker.

"I am going to tell everyone that you are......you are monsters!" Abby spat. I could see the pain and hurt in her eyes.

"Abby.....I'm still the same person.....I'm your Veron." I tried to coax her.

She stared into my eyes intensely then shook her head and turned to leave.

"And where do you think you're going?" Vanessa asked, her voice dripping with her thick British accent.

Abby rolled her eyes. "Where does it look like I'm going?"

With one swift move, Vanessa grabbed Abby by the shoulders and stared into her eyes.
"In two seconds you will forget everything that happened tonight and everything that I told you. Now go home and study for that Biology test that you have tomorrow."

Just like in the movies Abby turned and walk away. I was awestruck!

'You'll soon get the hang of compelling people.' Vanessa smiled at me, knowing that I hate when she becomes one of the voices inside my head.

We went back into the pizzeria and had an uneventful rest of the evening with Damion blabbering about sports.
I really don't see what these two have in common but who I'm I to judge Cupid's decisions? I chuckled to myself and they turned their attention to me.

"What's so funny man?" Damion inquired. "You don't think I won that game fair and square?"

"Oh, you totally did," I answered, not having a clue of what he was talking about.

"Well. I think it's time to go. It's getting late anyway." Vanessa suggested.

Damion sighed but got up to leave anyway.

Halfway through the ride home, my phone beeped.

Uncle Malik: if you need a place to stay, my doors are always open.

Me: I know but I'm OK staying in my dorm room.

I don't like when Uncle Malik acts so caring and fatherly. It actually makes me miss my biological father.
I reached for my wallet and took out the only picture I have of my parents.

I still can't remember how my parents died. I wish they were still here giving me advice and love and care and...

"What the hell?!" Damion shouted, causing my head to jolt upwards.


Bright yellow and red flames.

Our apartment complex was engulfed in flames. Well, the fire seemed to be at only one section of the building. Our dorm room.

Damion hastily parked the car and the three of us clamored out.

I stood with my mouth ajar while Damion ran toward the apartment.

"You can't go in there, sir." Someone shouted at him while trying to hold him back.

"No!! Everything I own is in there!" He screamed.

A few minutes later he walked back over to us panting.

"What are we going to do now?" He looked like he was about to burst into tears.

Vanessa held his hand.
"Well first. You need to calm down. You're still alive. You didn't die in that fire."

"Well someone did." I heard a guy say.

"Someone did what?" I asked.

"Someone died in the fire." He answered.


"I think her name was Benson......Abigail Benson."

And just like that my world collapsed.

I finally feel like this story is going somewhere.

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