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"Work hard in silence. Let your success be your noise."

Keisha's POV

Pain. Of one thing I was sure. The pain of an unknown vampire bite hurts more than anything in the world.

I woke up in the wee hours of the morning to an excruciating pain. I felt like my hand was being sawed off. I clicked on the lights to get a better look at the wound, wondering if I didn't clean it properly.

Oh my God! The pain was getting worse as I moved my hand.

I rolled up the sleeves of my blouse and stared at it. There was a small swelling so I took some ice from my fridge and pressed it onto the swollen area.

'Come to my bed chamber I need to feed.'

I jumped when I heard Malik's voice. I exhaled audibly, rolling my sleeve down. Why did he have to want to feed now? Why can't he get a blood bag? Even one of mine since he only drinks nacre blood?

I sighed. Time to face the music.

It has always been said that before you die, memories will flash through your mind. I stood outside Malik's door thinking of everything I will miss when he kills me...memories of my family. I will miss Damion.....and Veron.

As I was about to knock when the door swung open. Malik stood in the doorway looking droopy and deflated.

"Malik are you OK?"

He didn't answer me. He grabbed me by the back of my neck and pulled me toward him. He sunk his teeth into me and drank. When he had had enough he pushed me away and slammed the door shut in my face.

What the heck just happened?!

As I stood there dumbfounded, I could feel the bite on my neck already starting to heal.

This is the first time Malik is acting so.....abusive toward me and it made me wonder what happened to him in Halifax last night.

I didn't feel like going to my room and before I knew it I found myself walking toward Veron's room.

I knocked twice before he opened the door.
"Keisha?" He uttered unsurely. "Are you OK?"

I didn't answer him. I just walked past him and went straight into his bed. I pulled his plush sheet over my body and snuggled. Veron stood watching me, probably wondering if I have lost my mind. I was wondering the same thing.

I closed my eyes remembering how Malik treated me and I shuddered. Whatever happened in Halifax has made him vicious.

"Is there anything I can get you?" Veron asked and I shook my head.

He took a chair and sat at the bedside staring at me. "Do you want to talk about what's bothering you?" He asked softly.

Should I talk to him about this? Will he understand?

"I'm OK," I replied flatly and Veron rubbed his hand over his head.

"I knew I shouldn't have made you leave the house." He mumbled under his breath.

"Do you want to come and lie beside me?" Veron was surprised at my offer. I was even surprised at the offer.

He stared at me. "OK?" He said unsurely as he took off his shoes and slid under the covers.

He cleared his throat when I snuggled closer to him. I turned so we were facing each other but he was looking everywhere except at me.

"Game time?" I looked at him hopefully and he chuckled.

"Never have I ever had a girl snuggled close to me in bed asking to play a childish game."

I held down my head in embarrassment. He was right. I was very childish and immature.

"Not that it is a bad thing..." He tried to correct his mistake. "In fact, I think it is very unique. Your turn K.P." He smiled warmly at me and all was forgiven.

I thought for a while. "Never have I ever seen a boy naked." I covered my face as I giggled uncontrollably.

Veron sighed. "I wish I could say the same thing. I've lived with Damion for a while now and he likes to 'air dry'."

I giggled even harder when I thought about Damion strutting butt naked around their apartment.

I wish my life would have been that simple. I wish I didn't have to experience the things I did in my only twenty years of existence.

After my laughing subdued, I lay on Veron's chest, lost in thought. Veron didn't make any move to speak and we lay there in comfortable silence before I drifted off to sleep.

A rumbling caused me to jerk awake. It took a few minutes for my eyes to adjust to my dark surroundings. I didn't know where I was at first until I heard Veron shouting my name.

"Keisha get out of here!" He said as a fist connected with his cheekbone sending him sprawling on the floor.

His attacker had his back to me and was wearing a black hoodie. I wanted to run but I couldn't. I sat up in Veron's bed paralyzed with fear.

The attacker turned to me and sneered. "I'm back for more of your blood nacre." He took his own sweet time walking toward me.

He swiftly placed a bag over my head so I couldn't enchant him again. I felt my hands being tied around my back as I was dragged from the bed.

Where was Malik? Where was everyone else? Why was nobody helping me?

I tried to scream but it came out muffled under the bag. The man lifted me and I felt as if we were going down a flight of stairs.

He was taking me from the house.

I felt the cool breeze and warm sunshine on my skin as I was being carried outside. I was placed on something soft then I heard a door slam.

The engine purred to life and all my hopes of being rescued crumbled to pieces.

I tried to reach out to Malik hoping he will hear me.

Malik, I need help! I'm being kidnapped!

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