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"Trust is like glass: once it's broken, it will never be the same."

Veron's POV

As Malik stared at us, I felt like a child caught stealing candy. I didn't know what to do or say.

Uncle Malik chuckled. "Why don't you guys come up from this damp place? You lovers always visit the weirdest places."

Akeem stepped from behind me and looked at Uncle Malik. "Where is Mama?" He asked.

Uncle Malik stood still. His shoulders were tense and he folded his fists. "What are you doing with this boy?" He asked angrily.

I said the first thing that came to my mind. "We're adopting him."

Malik stared at Akeem. It was almost as if he was scared of the little boy.

"Why didn't you come to me first?" He asked after a while.

"I thought we could do this on our own," I told him bravely. "I didn't think I needed to bother you."

"Just keep him out of my way." He said sternly, then walked away.

Keisha and I both let out sighs of relief. Whenever Uncle Malik is around, the air is always filled with intensity.

"Let's get out of here," I said and they were both happy to follow me out.

Akeem covered his eyes the moment he stepped from the basement. He had been down there so long that the light seemed to be hurting his eyes.

"Are you taking me to Mama now?" He asked with hopeful eyes.

I didn't particularly like kids but I wanted to help this boy to reunite with his mother.

"I'm going to find her soon," I assured him. "But you will be staying with Keisha for now. She will take care of you."

Keisha held out her hand and he took it. "I think it's time you take a shower." She smiled at him and they walked toward the bathroom.  Keisha looked back at me. "We are going to get ready for the trip we will be taking today.....the one we talked about last night?"

Oh boy. These are the times I wish I could just erase her memories.

I nodded in agreement. "Ok honey....whatever you say."

I ran my hand through my hair. I wish I could just make all the bad things I did just go away. I was so foolish then but I didn't want to focus on that right now. I wanted to find out where Don took those people, without Uncle Malik suspecting anything. I didn't want to get on his bad side.....not until I found out what they are planning to do. 

I walked back into the kitchen and poured myself a glass of water. It was just 8 in the morning and already I was tired of all the drama.

Damion and Vanessa walked in, hands intertwined. It was nice to see that some people were happy because I was miserable right now.

"What you up to for today?" Damion asked.

I sighed. "I guess I'm going on a road trip with Keisha....and our son if we can't find someone to babysit him."

Damion laughed. "Wake up man. What son are you talking about?"

"Ahhh.....we just adopted him. His name is Akeem. Keisha is getting him ready right now."

Damion rolled his eyes. "Adopted him when and from where?" He asked as he looked at me suspiciously.

"Keisha loves him. I love him. It's a long story man." I explained vaguely.

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